Pechefsky Was Right: Those 400 Votes Belong to the Greens Not The Libertarians!

On election night David Pechefsky, Green Party candidate for City Council in the 39th district, came back from the polls with numbers that were somewhat higher than what was being reported in the media.

Well, it turns out that Pechfsky's numbers were right!!!!

The Board of Elections erroneously gave about 400 of his votes to the Libertarian candidate, including those in Pechefsky's very own election district. "By their initial count I voted against myself," Pechefsky wrote in an email.

"Only by asserting ourselves in the Board of Elections recanvassing process through actually going out to Red Hook to look at the machines again, and then following-up with numerous phone calls and visits to their offices, did we get them to fix their mistake," he writes.

Last week the Board certified the correct numbers: And here they are: David Pechefsky received 2,024 votes representing 9% of the total.

Pechefsky, who ran a creative and energetic race for Bill deBlasio's seat, is a teacher at heart. He had this to say.

"The lesson is that having poll watchers at every site is essential.  Without having people at the polls we would have never known about the problem and without us pushing after election day it seems unlikely anything would have been done about it.

"Thanks to all our poll watchers and to everyone for all your support.  At the very least you deserved to have an accurate count."