Bagels Arrested at AIDS Day Protest at Grand Army Plaza

Nine activists dressed as giant bagels (and donuts and coffee cups) were arrested yesterday as they picketed outside Mayor Bloomberg’s World AIDS Day “Bagel Breakfast” at the Central Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library at Grand Army Plaze. According to a Housing Works organizers: “For three years the mayor has committed to combating AIDS at his Bagel Breakfast, then a month later proposed devastating cuts to AIDS housing, transportation or other services. He also influenced Gov. Paterson to veto the popular 30 percent rent cap AIDS housing bill.” The nine in costumes, who laid down in the street in Grand Army Plaza disrupting traffic, were later released from the 78th precinct.

“Those of us with HIV stand in solidarity, without shame, and invite all New Yorkers to join today and every day in the fight against AIDS,” said Charles King, pres. and CEO, Housing Works in an email.

Organizers from Housing Works — which fights homelessness and AIDS — came up with this inventive protest, which included people dressed as bagels, bananas and coffee cups.