Voting Headache for Chuck Schumer at PS 321

Apparently Chuck Schumer had a voting headache this morning, when he went to vote at PS 321 at 5:55 Am . Here from Celeste Katz at the Daily News (thanks to DITHOB for the tip).

What the hElmo is going on with these voting machines?

There was some dispute about whether the senior senator had to vote by emergency or regular ballot, but his office says he was (finally) able to vote by regular ballot.

Another source said, “First, the site opened late. Second, the room was in a different location. Third, there were only 2 machines, and workers told him there were supposed to be 8. And 4th, the machines did not boot-up on time.”

“They don’t open the polling place until 6:10… They can’t figure out how to open the machine and he is, like, screaming at the staff that he wants to vote,” the insider said.