We’re Back

Gosh. We’ve been away off and on for weeks. Out in California on the farm the Internet wasn’t working and that was a blessing of sorts. There’s so much going on, so much to post about. How will I ever catch up?

Start typing…

2 thoughts on “We’re Back”

    THIS is from yesterday’s NY Times: “As the latest wave of superinvolved parents delivers its children to college, institutions are building into the day, normally one of high emotion, activities meant to punctuate and speed the separation. It is part of an increasingly complex process, in the age of Skype and twice-daily texts home, in which colleges are urging “Velcro parents” to back off so students can develop independence.”

  2. Welcome back!

    When I saw today’s NY Times Magazine cover story, I immediately thought to write in. The article asks: “Why are so many people in their 20s taking so long to grow up?”

    You know I couldn’t resist that question!

    Hello?! What did you expect?

    I’ve been writing about this trend for years, now, especially since I’ve been living in Park Slope, the capital of narcissistic parents raising emotionally stunted children. Apparently, though, this Brooklyn enclave has merely been the standard bearer for a national movement. While there are more devouring, suffocating, coddling mothers and castrated or otherwise neutered fathers breeding faux princes and princesses per square mile out here in Stepford than anywhere else I’ve ever lived or know of, the entire country seems to gave gotten on board the dysfunction train.

    The Times piece focuses on how many 20-somethings either still live or come back to live with their parents because they have no capacity for independent living or thinking. And make no mistake, this grossly delayed individuation isn’t an economic problem anymore than the euphemistically labelled attention deficit disorder trend is a brain problem.

    This is a parenting problem!


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