Fourth Avenue Nightlife: Persian Poetry, Korean Tacos, Trash Pony Bar

Hepcat and I went to Mission Delores (349 Fourth Avenue near Carroll) last night for beers and we love that bar, which is definitely having its moment. What a cool, cool place it is. A former garage, it’s an indoor/outdoor space with old factory doors,  colorized wanted posters on the walls and a great selection of beer including Hepcat’s favorite: Arrogant Bastard (not a beer I particularly enjoy).

Afterwards we had a late night snack at Oaxaca Tacos, which serves amazing tacos, including a Korean Tacos with Kalbi marinated steak topped with Korean BBQ sauce, kimchee and Asian pear slaw

Amazing. Full disclosure: I hired them to cater Blogfest and they were fantastic.

We also passed the Trash Pony Bar, which is what happens to Root Hill Cafe at night. The owners found a stuffed animal pony in the trash right outside the store about a year ago and when they decided to open a bar they had a concept and a name.

Look for the pink globe lights out front during the hours on Thursdays-Saturdays when Root Hill becomes Trash Pony. It’s a cafe with a double life.

Tonight at Zora Space (315 Fourth Avenue near Third Street) is a sampling of Persian poets, such as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Balkhī, Baba Taher, Shams e Maghrebi, and Mohammad-Reza Shafiei Kadkani, among others.

Sara Goudarzi Vocal (poetry)
Aida Shahghasemi Vocal (singing) & Daf
Sinan Gündoğdu Saz & Oud