The Kids are Back at School: Phew

Public school started back up again today after the Passover/Easter break. It felt like a long vacation but it was only one week and two days. OSFO didn’t do much. She spent time around the house, on the stoop, hanging out with her friends.

This morning the unbearably LOUD  alarm clock went off at 6AM in the morning and I went into OSFO’s room to wake her up.

“Come back in 10 minutes,” she said.

I returned in 10 minutes and she was still loathe to get out of bed but finally did. She went through two or three outfits before settling on the short-shorts and turquoise t-shirt and left the house around 8:05. I fell back asleep and had an unbelievably elaborate dream.

I dreamed that OSFO and about 20 friends returned to the apartment because they were cutting school. Kids were everywhere. On couches, under tables, in beds. I was furious and I furiously called their parents.

“Your child is cutting school,” I said into the phone to numerous parents.

It was quite a rancorous scene. OSFO disappeared so I spent much of the dream yelling at other people’s children to go back to school. Bit by bit, the children left the apartment; parents came; the kids returned to school. I guess I was pretty happy to have her back in school.

Unconsciously anyway.