Writer Stands by her PSP Censorship Story

Allison had this to say about Park Slope Parents response to this morning’s OTBKB piece:

Puhleeze. PSP didn’t invite or encourage me to continue the discussion. They  closed it down because I had supposedly raised the issue under false pretenses, after turning it down twice before because it supposedly demeaned the dialogue or was too snarky.

Sounds like research for the Babble article wasn’t the first reason PSP moderators turned Allison down, which they are now claiming.

To make sure, Alison went back and looked at the emails and found that she mentioned the article research to the very first moderator. The Babble article wasn’t mentioned until later as the reason to prevent her response. And she’s got the email to prove it:

I wasn’t sure what was posted to the group and what came directly to me. My email has been overtaken with a sea of replies. Most are from closeted parents asking me out for drinks and wanting to form a bad mommy group, some were hilariously droll ( I don’t usually buy into the Park Slope Sanctimommy thing, but parents here are outdoing themselves – was I this humorless when my kids were little?

I guess it may take awhile to get your body back,but even longer to get back your sense of humor…) , and some were just so ridonculously self-righteous they begged a response.

So I can’t do a no-name roundup of all the vituperation and closeted mean mommy responses?

And, btw, I was just trying to finesse a pitch for a babble article on the best in “bad” parenting, old-school ideas that are finding favor again. Who knew I was going to set off today’s tempest in a teapot.

This is getting to be a real “she said, she said” thing and I feel like I’m in the middle. And I’m not sure it’s worth all this discussion. However…

The issue seems to be: was Allison’s “detachment parenting” post a ploy to get quotes for an article in Babble or, as she claims, a sincere attempt to  think out loud about different styles of parenting???

2 thoughts on “Writer Stands by her PSP Censorship Story”

  1. OK. She writes a snarky, super-smug (and really not-so-clever-by-half) blog called “Fucked in Park Slope” that heaps scorn on the very people who populate Park Slope Parents, and she’s going to whine about their rules? Puhleeze! is right.

    Why doesn’t she start her own site? Oh, wait, she already has.

    Honestly, she sounds worse than the pathetic whiners she lampoons.

  2. Pretty obvious ploy/provocation. Not a big deal, really, but no reason not to just do the info-gathering in a more above-ground kind of way.

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