Subscribe to CB6 Email Newsletter

–Become the know-it-all on your block when it comes to neighborhood matters.

–Memorize the dates of important local meetings.

–Be a mover and shaker as you learn how to fix local problems.

–Or just read an interesting — and informative — email newsletter about the nabe.

Subscribe to The Sixth Sense, the new email newsletter from Community Board 6, which covers Carroll Gardens/South Brooklyn, Cobble Hill, Columbia Street Waterfront, Gowanus, Park Slope and Red Hook.

Since January, District Manager Craig Hammerman has been sending out this fun, clearly written and informative monthly e-newsletter that contains  information about important meetings, well as other matters of importance. If you’d like to subscribe go to the CB6 website and click on “sign up for our email newsletter.”

Here’s an excerpt from this month’s Sixth Sense.

If March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb, this year is no exception. And we’re not talking about to the weather. This month is front-loaded with many heavy duty meetings where important public policies will be the subject of hotly contested discussion and debate.

On March 3rd, the Metropolitan Transit Authority is holding a Public Hearing on proposed changes in levels of service, student fares, and crossing charges beginning 6:00pm at the Brooklyn Museum’s Cantor Auditorium, 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn.


Also on March 4th, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is hosting an informational meeting to discuss upcoming activities on the Gowanus Canal from 7:00pm-9:00pm at P.S. 58, 330 Smith Street, Brooklyn.

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions! Get involved. Stay active!

Please enjoy our newsletter and do let us know what you would like to see in future editions.