Anti-Semitic Notes Strewn on Sixth Avenue in Park Slope

According to the Brooklyn Paper, anti-semitic notes saying “Kill Jews” were strewn on Sixth Avenue in Park Slope. They were found by a woman who brought them to the attention of the 78th precinct. An officer from that precinct turned them over to the NYPD’s Hate Crimes Unit. Here from the BP:

In a stunning display of intolerance, Sixth Avenue in Park Slope was littered with strips of papers reading “KILL JEWS” in capital letters from Fourth to Ninth streets on Wednesday.

Nearly two dozen of the strips were picked up by Karen Guilbert, who had just finished walking her daughter to school.

“It’s so ignorant and hateful,” said Guilbert, who picked up a handful of the same slips back in October. “There are hundreds of kids that walk up and down this street.”

Before she turned the slips over to the police, Guilbert played amateur detective by turning the strips over and piecing them together. All that emerged was that the slips had been cut from a document from a taxi driving school. Yet there were no addresses or phone numbers on the strips that offered any further clues.

“Someone is trying to be a taxi driver,” Guilbert nervously joked. “I sure hope I don’t end up in his car.”