FYI: Community Announcements From Brad Lander

Thanks to Brad Lander for sending out this timely list of community announcements:

CONTRIBUTE TO HAITI RELIEF EFFORTS TONIGHT: I know that so many of you are already involved in many different Haiti relief efforts, but I just wanted to remind you of one opportunity in our community tonight:  a benefit concert at The Bell House featuring Jimmy Fallon, The Walkmen, Ted Leo, and many others.  I will be there, and hope to see you as well. More information at:

SIGN UP FOR FREE UNIVERSAL PRE-KINDERGARTEN SEATS: This Friday, January 29, is the deadline to sign up for the city’s free universal pre-Kindergarten program. More than 4,000 UPK seats remain open at public schools, child care centers and community-based organizations and all children who turned four years old between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009, are eligible. Programs can be half-day (two and a half hours, AM or PM) or full-day (six hours and twenty minutes). To find programs with vacancies you can call 311 or click this link to find available programs in Brooklyn :

HELP A NEIGHBOR IN NEED OF A BONE MARROW MATCH: One of our neighbors, Jennifer Jones Austin (a mother of two children, who has contributed a great deal to our community) has been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.  Her chances of surviving this disease are small unless she undergoes a bone marrow transplant within the next few months. A bone marrow transplant requires a 100% compatible match and unfortunately, Jennifer’s siblings were not a match.  Her best chance of finding a successful match is from a donor of African American or Hispanic descent. She is currently going to the National Bone Marrow Registry to look for such a donor. On Saturday, February 6 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m at 181 Lincoln Place, the National Bone Marrow Registry will be available to sign up potential donors who might be a match for Jennifer or other in-need patients. Even if you aren’t a match for Jennifer, you might be able to help save someone’s life. For more information you can email Lenae: or Our thoughts and prayers are with Jennifer and her family.