
This is an excerpt from Marian Fontana’s eulogy for her husband Lt. Dave Fontana of the FDNY, who died on 9/11.

“Aidan, love is the only thing that lasts forever, and even though Daddy’s gone, I hope you will remember how much your daddy loved you and keep that in your heart for the rest of your life. I have tried hard to find the good to come out of losing the love of my life. This summer, Dave insisted on buying a hat that he saw his friend, Jerry, at the firehouse wearing. It read “Life is good” and for Dave it truly was, especially in his last months.

“Dave strove to live his life fully, to love his family and friends, to feel his feelings and be an honest and good man. I think he accomplished that. I hope everyone here will use Dave’s life as an example. I know I will. So tell the people around you that you love them, mend grudges, don’t stay angry with people, and be kind. Dave did these things. His heart was as large as his frame and I feel privileged to have called myself Dave’s wife.

“An excerpt from Marian Fontana’s eulogy for Dave Fontana spoken at his funeral on October 25, 2001.
Aidan, love is the only thing that lasts forever, and even thoughDaddy’s gone, I hope you will remember how much your daddy loved youand keep that in your heart for the rest of your life.

“I have tried hard to find the good to come out of losing the love of mylife. This summer, Dave insisted on buying a hat that he saw his friend Jerry at the firehouse wearing. It read “Life is good” and for Dave truly was, especially in his last months.

“Dave strove to live his life fully, to love his family and friends, to feel his feelings, and to be an honest and good man. I think he accomplished that. I hope everyone here will use Dave’s life as an example. I know I will. So tell the people around you that you love them, mend grudges, don’t stay angry with people, and be kind. Dave did these things. His heart was as large as his frame and I feel privileged to have called myself Dave’s wife.”