Dec 16: Feast at Brooklyn Reading Works

Are you hungry for some stir fried fiction, fresh baked poetry and deep dish prose? On Thursday, December 16 at 8PM come feast on a succulent bounty from writers who use food as metaphor, motif and mnemonics of meaning. Bring an appetite for good writing and real snacks by Chef Ame Gilbert, who will be preparing tasty treats for you to enjoy.

This event is a benefit for the food pantry at St. Augustine’s Roman Catholic Church in Park Slope. You are invited to donate what you wish. Suggested donation is $5, which includes snacks by Ame Gilbert and wine. Feel free to give more for those in need.

The writers on the literary menu include: Greg Fuchs, Jim Behrle, Louise Crawford, Michele Madigan Somerville, Peter Catapano, Sophia Romero, Amy Gilbert and more…

The Old Stone House is located at Fifth Avenue and Third Street in Park Slope. For more information go to or

Bklyn Bloggage: neighborhoods

High school inside Junior High: Gerritsen Beach

Student killed in DUI: Sheepshead Bites

Carroll tree lighting on Friday: Pardon me for Asking

Remembering Curtis Cookie Rogers: The Local

Dumbo linkage: Dumbo NYC

Brothers from the Bottom ticket giveaway: Bed-Stuy Blog

Downzoning Boerum Hill: Clinton Hill Blog

North 6th Street: NY Shitty

Rally for immigration reform: Bushwick BK

Setting up a B&B in your brownstone: Effed in Park Slope

Cathie Black’s Waiver and the Continuation of a Testing-Based Public School System

So, Hearst Publishing executive Cathie Black, a woman who has rarely if ever stepped inside a NYC public school, got her waiver and will be the next chancellor of the nation’s largest public school system.

Strange as it may sound, it sort of makes sense considering Mayor Bloomberg’s preference for corporate managers with little or no specific expertise in public service.

He himself was a media mogul with no political experience when he became mayor of New York City. Joel Klein was also a relative novice when he was crowned NYC school’s chancellor 8 years ago.

Like likes like. In other words: Bloomberg understands the corporate mindset and believes that big organizations, whether they are school systems or media companies, need superstar managers. Given that he has mayoral control over the NYC school system, that’s his prerogative. (I actually believe in mayoral control because I think someone has to be in a charge of such a large, unwieldy system).

But what about the many parents, teachers and administrators who say a chancellor should be an educational visionary? They’re a little bit right and a little bit wrong. The job of running a ginormous educational system, that serves more than one million students at 1,600 schools with 135,000 employees (including teachers, administration and others), is largely a managerial job. However, it does seem to me that that person should, at least symbolically, have expertise in education and a commitment to what teachers do and how children learn.

I mean, it is a school system after all.

Because Black lacked these qualifications there was, understandably, a huge public uproar. It was a real “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore” moment. More than that, I think it was the last straw for a public exasperated by an autocratic mayoral style that sometimes feels like the rule of a dictatorial personality who espouses: my way or the highway.

This time, a majority of people, as well as David Steiner, New York State Commisioner of Education, and a panel of experts (picked by the commish) disagreed with the-Mayor-who-would-be-king. This time, people spoke out loud, clear and repeatedly and the mayor was forced to rethink his plan.

It may be a sign of Black’s superstar managerial smarts that it was her idea to promote deputy chancellor Shael Polakow-Suransky to the new position as her educational deputy.

Continue reading Cathie Black’s Waiver and the Continuation of a Testing-Based Public School System

The Universal Thump Rocks the Bell House with George Harrison Tribute

Somehow it seemed appropriate to honor George Harrison, once the under-rated Beatle, in Brooklyn, once the under-rated borough.

Second fiddle no more. A large group of Brooklyn musicians restored George Harrison  to his rightful place in the pantheon of 20th century genius songwriters.

In other words: George Harrison: you rock. And so do organizers Greta Gertler and Adam D. Gold, whom, just weeks after the 20th anniversary of John Lennon’s death (and the attending tributes and nostalgia) had the audacity and the common sense to celebrate another ex-Beatles masterpiece from 40 years ago.

Only in Brooklyn could a super group of stellar musicians calling themselves The Universal Thump come together to recreate the Phil Spector-style wall of sound that enhanced George Harrison’s 1970 All Things Must Pass.

Only in Brooklyn could this dizzying array of vocalists and instrumentalists, perform the entire, yes, the entire three-album set.  In the process they brought down the house not once but numerous times during the three-hour show at The Bell House last night, November 29th, the 10th anniversary of Harrison’s death from cancer and just days away from the albums release date in 1970.

All Things Must Pass, co-produced by Harrison and the legendary (and scary) Phil Spector, is an album loved by many, including Greta Gertler and Andy Gold, the team behind this hugely ambitious undertaking.

I asked Gertler, a singer/songwriter and pianist, what it is she loves about the album, which ranges from spirituals  such as “My Sweet Lord” to a host of country-style ballads and ‘wall-of-sound’ pop masterpieces such as “What is Life?”

“The album is just so inspiring. I love every minute of it and it makes me feel like writing songs is important in the world,” she told me. “The album is consistently fantastic with a spirit of adventure and exploration.”

“Will there be another show of this?” I asked Gertler after the show eager to know if this group of 40 musicians are set to repeat the magic of Monday night.

“I haven’t even gotten that far,” she told me.

Indeed, Gertler had every right to be exhausted (and elated). What she and Gold accomplished was a masterful feat of producing. The matching of singer to song was near perfect and the musical arrangements were mind boggling good. The album itself is so brilliantly calibrated from song to song that the concert itself had an almost perfect pace.

Continue reading The Universal Thump Rocks the Bell House with George Harrison Tribute

It’s Official: Cathie Black Gets Waiver

Just announced on WNYC: Hearst Executive Cathie Black got her waiver from the David Steiner, the New York State Commissioner of Education. With Shael Polakow-Suransky as Deputy Chancellor, Black, a media executive with no personal or professional experience with public schools, is set to be confirmed as chancellor of the nation’s largest public school system. In a 12-page letter Steiner explained why he gave Black the nod: “Despite her lack of direct experience in education, I find that Ms. Black’s exceptional record of successfully leading complex organizations and achievement of excellence in her endeavors, warrant certification for service in the New York City School District, where she will have the support of a team of experience educators, including a single person serving as Senior Deputy Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer.”

Nov 20 & Dec 9: Public Comment Meetings on Brooklyn Bridge Park

Remember Doug Biviano? In 2009 he ran for City Council in the 33rd District (and lost to Steve Levin) and later challenged incumbant Assemblywoman Joan Millman in the 2010 primaries. He may have lost both races but he’s not in hiding.  Not by a long shot.

Biviano sent word of an upcoming public hearing about Brooklyn Bridge Park that he says is vital. He forwarded a letter to me from Roy Sloane, president of the Cobble Hill Association, urging residents, who want their voices and viewpoints heard on the subject of Brooklyn Bridge Park are invited to come to two public comment meetings on Tuesday, November 30th at 6 PM at Long Island College Hospital and again on Thursday, December 9th at 6 PM at St. Francis College on Remsen Street.

At issue are the high rise condos that are being proposed near the park as a source of revenue for the park. According to Sloane, “These public meetings are critical to demonstrating yet again the importance of our parks, the real value they provide to the livability of the city, and to the actual dollars they “put back” into city coffers. The rise in DUMBO values since their part of the park opened is evidence enough of a park’s tax value. A recent proposal offered by community members to negotiate a deal with the Jehovah Witnesses to develop their soon-to-be-abandoned buildings close to the park, for the benefit of park financing  is gaining traction. Other park funding models, including Senator Squadron’s park increment recapture proposal (named the PIRC plan) also offer relief from the draconian condos inside park borders plan.”

Click on read more to read the full letter from Roy Sloane, president of the Cobble Hill Association about the importance of this hearing.

Continue reading Nov 20 & Dec 9: Public Comment Meetings on Brooklyn Bridge Park

Curious About Ditmas Park? Do the Walking-Trivia-Pub Crawl

A tour group called The  Levys’ Unique New York has teamed up with our friends over at Ditmas Park Blog to create the first of many  events. This one sounds great: The Ditmas Park Pub Crawl, Walking Tour and Trivia Contest and it all happens on Saturday, December 10th.

On that night there will be a nighttime walking tour of the gorgeous, landmarked streets of Victorian Ditmas Park. Then, at three different pub stops, answer tricky trivia questions that cover architecture, pop culture, Brooklyn history and more while learning about this timeless neighborhood. Additionally, your $15 fee includes one taco from Cortelyou Rd mainstay Cinco de Mayo.

Your tour guides are The Levys’ Unique New York! – a high-energy, well-reviewed, and entertaining family, who run a New York City tour guide company out of the Levy family house on Marlborough Rd; they’re not just locals – they’re natives! Bar stops will include both old and new – 773 Lounge, Solo & Sycamore will all offer discounted drinks to trivia tour takers.

Clearly, they know Brooklyn and they’re the people you want to tour Ditmas Park with.

Click on read more to see the details of this fun sounding evening event:

Continue reading Curious About Ditmas Park? Do the Walking-Trivia-Pub Crawl

Dec 3: Shitty Kitty Meet-Up at Mission Delores

Frankly I’m not even sure Shitty Kitty is but I’m intrigued. I saw pictures of their last meet-up at Mission Delores, the ultra cool newish bar on Fourth Avenue, and it looked interesting and fun and it involved drawing pictures. I’m not sure what this will be…

The duo that produces Shitty Kitty is called Telephone and Soup and that’s the name of Casey Scieszka and Steven Weinberg’s book/art/zine/stuff operation. They seem to be social media mavens with both a Twitter and a Facebook presence.

Most of it they make together. Generally the pictures come from Steven, the words Casey. Casey and Steven are from Brooklyn and D.C. respectively. They’ve set up camp all over the world– from China to Mali to Morocco– but are currently Brooklynites.

There are not pets. Which might be why they draw animals ALL THE TIME.

First Brooklyn Whole Foods Back on Track

Craig Hammerman, District Manager of Community Board 6, just got a note from Matt Mobley, who works for Whole Foods in some capacity, and he sent it my way. The above picture is courtesy of Whole Foods.

Seems that Whole Foods is planning to go ahead with the development of their first Brooklyn Store on Third Street and Third Avenue in the Park Slope/Gowanus neighborhood. Frankly, I thought that project was dead in the (very, dirty canal) water what with the Superfund status of the Gowanus Canal and all that. I’d heard that Whole Foods would be helping to pay for some of the Superfund clean up but now they’re talking about coming to the area. Again.

According to the letter, Whole Foods has “fully cleaned the site under the strict guidelines of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’snow.” They have reduced the size of the original plan by 25% and it will now be 52,000 square feet with a 40 ft public esplanade and “a 20,000 square foot greenhouse located on the roof of the store that will grow fresh, organic produce right on-site!”

They also plan to uild the store above-grade (i.e. above ground level) rather than below-grade, which will require a variance from the Board of Standards and Appeals due to the high water table and requirements of the Superfund cleanup).

The two-story, 19th century brick building, which was the former offices of Edwin C. Litchfield, 19th century landowner, who bought up much of Park Slope, situated at the property’s corner at Third Avenue and Third Street (and is not owned by Whole Foods Market) will, as always promised, remain in place. Whole Foods will make some improvements to that building.

Whole Foods has also reduced the size of the parking lot from 460 spaces to 248 and they’re doing away with a separate parking structure.  Click on read more to see the letter from Mobley to Craig Hammerman.

Continue reading First Brooklyn Whole Foods Back on Track

HPS Wants to Know: Best Barber, Best Salon in the Slope

Here’s Park Slope (HPS), a great hyper local blog in PS, wants to know the best barbershop and salon in the Slope. He’s doing a poll and is asking people to weigh in. So go on over there and leave a comment:

Everyone with hair needs a haircut once in a while (or at least just about everyone), and Park Slope has a huge assortment of barber shops and salons. Where do you go for a haircut? Who’s the best barber around? How much money are you willing to drop on a cut? Leave your thoughts in the comments section; the most popular shop will be featured on this site

Rally in Heights to Support Championship College Water Polo Team

Did you know that one of the best college water polo teams in the country is right here in Brooklyn? Note: the picture above, from the New York Times,  is of the 2007 St. Francis water polo team. Some members may still be on the current team.

St. Francis College, a small liberal arts college in Brooklyn Heights (with the motto: a small college with big dreams) has one hell of a water polo team. So good, that there’s a rally today to support the team coming off their Eastern Championship victory. (Among the special guests are Serbian National Team Coach and Olympic Bronze Medal Winner Dejan Udovicic). Now the Francis College Men’s Water Polo preps for the NCAA Final Four on December 4 and 12:00pm.

The amazing St. Francis men’s team is composed of players from five countries; the United States, Serbia, Hungary, Croatia and Sweden.

Besides coming together to form one of the best teams in the country, this melting pot of players also boasts the highest G.P.A. of all Water Polo teams two years in a row. Go team!

Who: St. Francis College Men’s Water Polo Team, Serbian National Team Coach
What:  Rally to Support Team Before Going to NCAA Final Four
Where: Peter Aquilone Court
180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201
When: Monday, November 29
12:00 – 1:30pm
FREE & Open to the Public

OTBKB Music: December Music Calendar

It’s time once again for the monthly calendar.  December looks pretty strong with good shows almost every night, and with some nights sporting two or three really good shows opposite each other.  When that happens, just pick one, because when you have multiple good choices, what ever choice you make will be a good one.

Things around Christmas and the week after have yet to be posted, but they will be, and the calendar will be updated periodically to include those shows.  To start your planning just grab your paper or electronic calendar and head over to Now I’ve Heard Everything by clicking  here.

–Eliot Wagner

Eat Pie Pie and Shop: A Fundraiser for PS 29

Eat Pie and Shop is PS 29’s fundraiser/pie competition that’s judged by a who’s who’s list of Brooklyn foodies like Gail Simmons editor of Food and Wine, Francois Payard of Payard Bakery, Dannielle Kyrillos of DailyCandy, and local restauranteur Jeff Lederman of Boca Lupo (amazing bread pudding), Strong Place and Nectar.

The event will also feature 20 local vendors selling arts and crafts, including Mike Sorgatz, a painter and Art in Brooklyn blogger, who will be selling pie portraits (pictured above). Sorgatz will also be selling limited edition prints of New York cityscapes. The event is on Sunday, December 5th from 11am-5pm at PS29, 425 Henry Street (between Baltic and Kane Streets) in Brooklyn.

Bklyn Bloggage: civics & urban life

Cathie Black to get waiver: Inside Schools

Opponents of Cathie Black consider law suit: It’s a Free Country

Who is Shael Polakow-Suransky? NY Times

Heights Cinema owner was Ponzi schemer: Brooklyn Paper

Suspicious car fires on 14th Street: Here’s Park Slope

City hoping to rescue Coney Island 8: New York Post

Smelly plan to link Brooklyn parks: New York Post

Shopper hit Fulton Mall for holidays: Brooklyn Eagle

Arrival of Aeropostale & H&M signals shift for Fulton Mall: NY Daily News

A national day of listening: The Local

Today is Small Business Saturday

Today is the first ever Small Business Saturday, a day to remember that small businesses, shops and restaurants are the local economic engine of our communities.

Today is a great day to honor those shops and restaurants that make our neighborhood so interesting, help our neighbors and reinvest our money close to home.

I don’t have to tell you that local businesses like the Community Bookstore, Lolli, Scaredy Kat, Diana Kane, Cog and Wheel, Brooklyn Mercantile, Stitch Therapy, Urban Alchemist, The Clay Pot, Bird, City Casuals, Kiwi, Lisa Polansky, Loom…the list goes on and on (and I will add as the day progresses) are part of what makes Park Slope and other Brooklyn neighborhoods such fun places to be.

So before you go online or into a big, huge store think about spending your money right here in your own backyard. You’ve heard that statistic, for every $100 spent nearby, that’s $68 invested back into the community.

That’s one of four good reasons to support small and local. The other three are these (info from the Small Business Saturday website)

–Small businesses employ half of all private sector employees.

–Small businesses represent 99.7% of all employer firms.

–For every year over the last decade, 60-80% of new jobs was generated by small business.

Listen by W.S. Merwin

My cousin, who runs the Petra Foundation, which honors individuals who work on behalf of the rights, autonomy and dignity of others, read this W.S. Merwin poem at our Thanksgiving a few years ago. I liked it a lot.


with the night falling we are saying thank you

we are stopping on the bridge to bow from the railings

we are running out of the glass rooms

with our mouths full of food to look at the sky

and say thank you

we are standing by the water looking out

in different directions

back from a series of hospitals back from a mugging

after funerals we are saying thank you

Continue reading Listen by W.S. Merwin

Ducky’s First Thanksgiving 2005

This post was written in 2005.

On Ducky’s first Thanksgiving:

She will watch the Thanksgiving Parade on TV while she cruises around the apartment, babbles into her play telephone, looks at her board books, and hugs her soft baby doll.

She will eat her breakfast and lunch in the high-tech high chair in the dining room picking and choosing between Yo-Baby yogurt, homemade mashed vegetables, and that old standby: apple sauce.

She will listen to one of the many children’s CD her mother plays frequently. What will it be? Raffi, Music Together or Dan Zanes? Anyone in the mood for Kumbaya?

She will go to the Tot Spot in Propspect Park for a quick romp on the miniature playground equipment perfect for an active 15-month-old.

She’ll watch as her mother pulls out the outfits she is deciding between. There will be much discussion about which dress will be most perfect for Ducky’s first Thanksgiving.

All this talk about dresses, shoes and tights will make her sleepy. She will fall asleep in her crib, resting up for the big event.

Continue reading Ducky’s First Thanksgiving 2005

Thanksgiving 2001

In 2001 Hepcat’s sister and brother-in-law, who live in San Francisco, came east for Thanksgiving. After the feast, they wanted to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge to see Ground Zero, which was still burning. Up until that day, Smartmom had been emotionally unable to visit Ground Zero. But on that first Thanksgiving after the 11th, she felt ready to join her S.F. relatives on their journey across the river.

Smartmom was nervous about walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, as the bridge and other New York City landmarks had been cited many times as major Al Queda targets. Everytime she took a subway, rode across a bridge or was in a tunnel she felt imperiled. It was a strange time, New Yorkers felt under attack in a very personal way.

But Smartmom didn’t mention her own fears—not a word. She stiff-upper-lipped it and braved the walk like the ever-reliable New York booster and tour guide that she is. Her relatives seemed to have no fear of walking across the bridge. Smartmom, on the other hand, felt the familiar flutter of anxiety that had been a constant since the 11th. She remembers thinking: how ironic if we’re blown up on Thanksgiving night wanting to pay our respects to the dead at Ground Zero. Death was never far from her thoughts back then.

Continue reading Thanksgiving 2001