OTBKB Music: A Music Movie and Some More Freebies

The best music show going tonight is actually a movie (sorry, Pops Corn, if I’m stepping on your territory): Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison, at Tribeca Cinemas.  This documentary includes rare archival footage and some exclusive interviews.  Only one showing, at 7:30.  More details at Now I’ve Heard Everything.

I’ve also found links to some more free, legal downloads.  This time around, you can enjoy a track from each of the new albums by The Watson Twins, Maura Kennedy and get a nine track sampler of artists playing SXSW next week.  Just click here for The Watson Twins, and here for Maura and the sampler.

–Eliot Wagner

Thanks to Pops Corn and the Academy

Here on Third Street a group of us watched the Oscars and ate Dibs, those bite sized frozen snacks they sell at movie theaters.

What a blast to check in with Pops Corn every few minutes and read his on-going commentary, which was very interesting and fun.

For the first time we had a betting pool. The person, who picked the most winners won the $6 that was in the pool.

For me  high points were the nominations for Best Actor and Actress written and read by friends and colleagues of the nominees.

The super highpoint was, of course, Kathryn Bigelow winning the award for Best Director for The Hurt Locker. She is  the first woman to ever win in that category. It seems she avoided marking the historical nature of her win in her thank you speech. She’s too macho for that. She did recognize the armed services, first responders, firefighters, etc. and that was cool.

The occasion did inspire me to list all the women directors I can think of. I know there are so many more but here goes: Jane Campion, Nancy Myers, Sue Kramer, Agnes Varda, Chantel Ackerman, Barbara Kopple, Margarethe von Trotta, Lina Wertmuller, Sophia Coppola, Catherine Hardwicke, Barbra Streisand, Elaine May, Charlotte Zwerin, Chris Hedges, Jill Godmillow…(to be continued)

And finally, what an upset: I was expecting Avatar to win the Best Picture but, thankfully, it went to The Hurt Locker, surely one of the best anti-war films of recent times if not ever.

Oh, and my stepmother won the betting pool with 12 correct answers…

Finally, my  gratitude to Pops Corn for his live blogging. What a fun way to watch the show!

One more thing: Where was Jack Nicholson?

Pops Corn Live: Sound Editing – Yeah, Really Commenting On It

Did you read Virginia Heffernan’s piece on the sound editing category in the Times mag a few weeks back?


It was one of those weird pieces that was wonderfully researched, but nearly without value due to the writer’s opinionated stance. She treated the craft as though it had to adhere to her aesthetic.  But she got her wish.  Hurt Locker takes it.

Pops Corn Live: Villanch Time

Get ready for the opening monologue.  I can’t believe that Bruce Villanch is STILL one of the writers of the Oscars broadcast.  He wrote for Osmond specials, Paul Lynde’s Halloween Special, he’s done it all.  Oscar.com had some clips of the writers’ room – not a young bunch.

Pops Corn Live: Living Room Oscars

The carpet is more of an earth  tone than red.  I am wearing a thrift store sweatshirt by a designer named Gap.  My date is free to chomp her apple right next time.  Tonight, LIVE from my living room – The Oscars. 

I’ll be opining and commenting throughout the night.  Please join in and do the same.

Undomesticated Brooklyn: Dinner at 8

I was lucky enough to be a guest at Undomesticated Brooklyn’s dinner party last night. It was great fun but I don’t want to give too much away. It’s is her story to tell. Here is an excerpt from UB about last night. There is more to come:

Tonight is the Academy Awards, but last night was my night in the spotlight. There was no red carpet, but guests did get gussied up for my First Ever Dinner Party (and they all looked fabulous!)

I’ll give you the full report in due time (although there’s too much for just one blog post), but first, let me assure you that nothing burned and nobody was injured in the course of the evening. In other words, it was a big success!

After loading up on groceries at both Fairway and The Park Slope Food Coop on Friday, I started to panic…

“Do I have enough food?” I have never cooked for so many people before, so it was hard to judge how much to buy.

I resolved to pick up some last-minute items on Saturday, but I continued to fret.

“Should I serve the cheese at the end of the meal like the French or at the beginning of the meal?” I asked Avo.

Avo, who is an unabashed Euro-file (he crosses his sevens!) was surprisingly insistent that we should have a cheese table for people to graze on (paired with wine, of course) when they arrive. He even had the great idea of printing out labels for the cheese and sticking them on tooth picks so people know what they’re eating.

Deep in the Heart of Bklyn: When Tigers Fight, the Grass Suffers

An excerpt from our friend at  Deep in the Heart of Brooklyn about the battle between ABC and Cablevision that will shut out the Oscars for some New Yorkers.

After a few days of Orwellian-Outer Limits cable hijacking (“Do not attempt to touch your TV.We will control your horizontal”) where your default channel on start up was channel 1999, presenting a constant barrage of  anti-ABC propaganda, countered by print and media ads from WABC with their own agit prop, WABC TV is finally off the air for some NYC cable customers.  Although I am a big fan of cinema I am not a big Academy Awards show watcher. At the point, when  I was maybe 10, and I realized that I was never going to there or a part of that scene, the voyeuristic/celebrity/fan quality of it embarrased me a little, and  while I will tune in, I am more likely to watch the Super Bowl or sit through the entire World Series, even though I am not a devoted sports fan, than sit through the Oscars.

Tonight: Pops Corn Live Blogs the Oscars at 8pm

His pajamas are pressed for tonight’s big Oscar live blog and Pops Corn is ready for the Oscar broadcast. Isn’t he just the guy you’d want to sit next to on the couch while watching the big show? He’s OTBKB’s film expert, critic and Oscar connoisseur.

But who is Pops Corn?

Following an aborted, but valuable, film school education, the writer spent decades of self-disciplined cinema study finding ways to see movies for free or pay.  Years of work within film and media industries includes stints with B-movie studios, high-art non-profits and as a major media company censor. A former and founding member of New York-based underground country band, The Inbreeds.

Tonight at 8PM: turn on the TV and follow OTBKB on your laptop, iPhone or Blackberry.