It’s Official: Cathie Black Gets Waiver

Just announced on WNYC: Hearst Executive Cathie Black got her waiver from the David Steiner, the New York State Commissioner of Education. With Shael Polakow-Suransky as Deputy Chancellor, Black, a media executive with no personal or professional experience with public schools, is set to be confirmed as chancellor of the nation’s largest public school system. In a 12-page letter Steiner explained why he gave Black the nod: “Despite her lack of direct experience in education, I find that Ms. Black’s exceptional record of successfully leading complex organizations and achievement of excellence in her endeavors, warrant certification for service in the New York City School District, where she will have the support of a team of experience educators, including a single person serving as Senior Deputy Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer.”

3 thoughts on “It’s Official: Cathie Black Gets Waiver”

  1. Monarchy? What do you expect, Bloomberg to consult with YOU before he appoints people to run a city department? The fact of the matter is that the DOE is stocked full of education experts, what it has historically lacked is a person who can manage the vast bureaucracy. Elections have consequences, and I for one am glad that Bloomberg sees fit to appoint people who have proved their ability to manage. At the end of the day, the mayor is responsible for the performance of the schools and he should be allowed to appoint the person he thinks can do a good job.

  2. Right, the King gets his way, so nice of him to take us peasants into consideration. Its such an insult to the many qualified educators who should have this job!

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