Term Limits Question on Back of Ballot on Election Day!

Did you know that term limits will be decided on Election Day? FYI: the term limits question is on the back of this year’s ballot, which you will see next Tuesday, November 2nd, WHEN YOU VOTE.

You’re voting, right?

An email from Public Advocate Bill de Blasio informs me that he has has launched an informational campaign encouraging voters to turn over their ballots and vote on term limits.

Of course you’re voting and when you do: Turn Over Your Ballot and Vote on Term Limits.

“Voters have waited two years to have their voices heard on term limits. With one week until Election Day, no one cannot take this outcome for granted,” writes Public Advocate Bill de Blasio in the press release he sent today.

You are voting, right?

I think de Blasio is doing a good thing. People might not notice that this important question is on the back of the ballot. For that reason, dozens of volunteers and staff from de Blasio’s office passed out flyers and held large-format ballots showing voters where to find the term limits question on Election Day.

“My office took to the streets this morning to make sure every voter knows to turn over their ballot and make their voice heard on term limits,” he writes.

You’re gonna vote, right?

One thought on “Term Limits Question on Back of Ballot on Election Day!”

  1. I plan to vote no on this ballot question.

    First of all, I think that the two term limit makes the City Council far less powerful, since no one can get enough experience to have any power on the council. This makes the mayor MORE powerful, since he has little opposition in the council. We’ve already seen the council become the mayor’s rubber stamp with Bloomberg. Maybe they’ll talk back to him a bit more if they have a little more experience under their belts.

    Secondly, Mayor Bloomberg thinks it’s okay for him to have 3 terms, but no one else should! What a hypocrite! Thwarting his wishes is enough reason to vote against this measure.

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