Oct 3: The VLP Liz Padilla Memorial 5K Race in Prospect Park

On Thursday, June 9th, 2005 Liz Padillla was riding her bicycle to work when she was killed on Fifth Avenue in Park Slope.

A graduate of Cornell Law School,  Liz joined the Volunteer Lawyers Project (VLP) as a Pro Bono Coordinator/Staff Attorney in December 2004, where she provided direct representation and counsel to clients with family law issues.

During her life she enjoyed  tutoring high school students, training as a tri-athlete, enrolling in a trapeze school, running the NYC marathon with disabled athletes as a member of the Achilles Track Club – and much more.

In the summer of 2005, Liz was planning a 5k race to benefit the VLP. This annual event, now in its fifth year, honors the memory of this remarkable young attorney and supports the VLP’s programs for low-income Brooklyn residents.

The VLP Liz Padilla Memorial 5K race will take place Sunday, October 3 at 10am in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park.  You can register online here: http://www.active.com/running/brooklyn-ny/liz-padilla-memorial-5k-2010.  Or, check out our Facebook page for more information about this and other VLP events:  http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=51780222164&ref=ts.