Next Up at Brooklyn Reading Works: Brooklyn Playwrights, Writing by Vets

The next event at Brooklyn Reading Works, a monthly literary series at the Old Stone House in Park Slope, is on October 21 at 8PM: New Plays by Brooklyn Playwrights. This event, curated by playwright Rosemary Moore, will present unstaged readings of two plays by actors.

I’m also really excited about a reading I’m curating, which falls on Veteran’s Day, November 11 at 8PM, featuring writing by veterans of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Writing War, Voices of Vets,  includes authors Juri Jurjevics, Kevin McPartland, Roy Scranton, Matt Gallagher, Philip Klay and Jacob Siegal.

Click on read more to see the schedule for the rest of the series:

December 16, 2010: Feast: Writers on Food

Curated by Michele Madigan Somerville (an annual benefit for the soup kitchen at St. Augustine’s Roman Catholic Church in Park Slope)

January 20, 2011: The Truth and Oral History (the double life of the interview) Curated by John Guidry

February 17, 2011: Memoirathon
Curated by Branka Ruzak

March 17, 2011: Blarneypalooza
Curated by Michele Madigan Somerville

April 14, 2011: In the Year of the Rabbit: Voices from the East
Curated by Sophia Romero

May 19, 2011: Edgy Mother’s Day
Curated by Louise Crawford and Sophia Romero

June 16, 2011: Fiction in a Blender
Curated by Martha Southgate

For information about any of these readings you can email me at: louise_crawford(at)yahoo(dot)com