New Superfund Site Designation Comes to Brooklyn!

Woo Hoo.

When the EPA adds the Newtown Creek to its list of Superfund sites, Brooklyn will have not one but two, count ’em two, Superfund sites. Because of its new status, the Creek will  face a 10-year toxic clean-up that could cost more than a half-billion dollars.

It was just last March that the EPA declared the Gowanus Canal worthy of Superfund status. The Newtown Creek is an 3.8-mile waterway between Brooklyn and Queens.

One thought on “New Superfund Site Designation Comes to Brooklyn!”

  1. Once I had a summer rental with no water……..the landlady’s well was dry…………the last night i was there a big storm filled the well and she refused me a partial refund because she didn’t believe me………… I got the rental agent, whom she knew , to set her straight…….if you could get a 3rd party this nutty landlady knows to tall her your side of the story perhaps this would help……………….good luck……………..J

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