Lincoln Restler Declared Winner in State Committee Primary Race in 50th AD

The most contested race in the recent primary elections has been decided. Finally.

Lincoln Restler of New Kings Democrats is the declared winner in the race for State Committee in the 50th Assembly District in North Brooklyn. After leading with 50.2% on primary night, Restler fell behind in the initial recount. But the final recount found him leading by 120 votes.

FYI: His new job as District leader is a part-time, unpaid position. It is powerful nonetheless. Here are some of the District Leaders’ responsibilities as I understand them:

–They hire poll workers and election inspectors for the primary and general elections.

–They help pick judges and the party chairman.

–They attend party meetings and events on behalf of the district

–They organize meetings and events in the district.

–They work closely with the district’s city, state, and federal elected officials.

–They help elect party members to public office in the district.

–They provide  info to the district’s voters about poll site locations, election results, and general information about party candidates.

Read more about the importance of District Leaders at the Brooklyn Heights Blog.

This win is being viewed as a blow to Vito Lopez’s Democratic Party machine. Lincoln Restler had this to say: “For the first time in 28 years the voters of the 50th Assembly District have had the chance to elect an independent, reform-minded State Committee member, and I am proud to represent their voice. We, the growing reform movement in Brooklyn, intend to hold accountable the corrupt party machine and deliver a better brand of politics. Brooklyn deserves no less.”

Restler beat his opponent, Warren Cohn, 3,639 to 3,519.

Restler joins newly elected State Committee member, Chris Owens (AD 52) and long time reformers Jo Anne Simon (AD 52), and Joanne Seminara (AD 60) in the fight for the reform of Brooklyn politics.