Film Tonight at Zora Space: The Question of Our Times

Tonight at Zora’s Space at 7:30 PM: Border crossing and migration are issues that confront societies worldwide, both rich and poor. Author and professor Behzad Yaghmaian (Embracing the Infidel) leads a program of film and discussion on the topic.

He will recount stories from Muslim migrants who make the treacherous journey to Europe from places such as Iran, Turkey, and Sudan. The premiere screening of the half-hour documentary “passTRESpass” introduces immigrants from Africa, Afghanistan, and Albania trying to create a life in Greece.

Immigrants express their pain and difficulties through movement and spoken word in a show performed for an Athens audience. Choreographer Despina Stamos, who instigated the performance and appears in the film, along with the film’s director, Jill Woodward, will be present for an informal discussion and Q/A following the screening.