Should New York City Prohibit Outdoor Smoking?

When we were in Berkeley, California, the first American city to ban smoking on sidewalks throughout its business districts, I worried that my stepmother might get arrested for smoking outdoors.

And now it looks like she may have trouble in NYC, too.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg and members of the City Council are talking about banning some outdoor smoking as well.

Today a bill will be introduced in the City Council would prohibit smoking in all 1,700 city parks, 14 miles of city beaches, public marinas and even pedestrian plazas, like the one in Times Square.

According to City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, some of Times Square would allow cigarette smoking. People would still be able to smoke on sidewalks.

For  Bloomberg it’s about second hand smoke and the health risks of being around smokers.

According to the city about 75% of  litter on city beaches is cigarette butts.

Yes, smoking is gross. But should smokers not be allowed to smoke outdoors. What do you think?