Ridiculously Late Start Today


Well, I went to the press opening of Andy Warhol: The Last Decade at the Brooklyn Museum. It’s the first U.S. museum survey to examine the late work of American artist Andy Warhol (1928–1987) and has been in two other cities before Brooklyn.

During his last ten years, Warhol worked on a very large scale and also created some interesting video work. An interview he did with Larry Rivers is on view and I found myself laughing hysterically.

Then I visited Lesley Topping, who videotaped the Brooklyn Blogfest and looked at her footage of the show and that was, to say the least, very interesting.

Then I went over to Root Hill Cafe on Fourth Avenue (not far from the Brooklyn Lyceum) and did some reading. Later I found out that tonight Root Hill is opening a night-time only bar called Trash Pony Bar. The name is  inspired by a stuffed animal pony the owners found in the trash can outside of the cafe…

Then I realized it was 5:30 PM and I hadn’t put anything on the blog. This has been a catch up week after the crazies of last week and the many weeks before — the preparation to and the aftermath of Blogfest.

Tonight I will update.