Marian Fontana to Read at Edgy Moms on May 20th

Marian Fontana, author of A Widow’s Walk: A Memoir of 9/11 and the upcoming novel, The Middle of the Bed, will be reading at Edgy Moms on Thursday at the Old Stone House in Park Slope.

How edgy is she?

“I am Edgy mom because I don’t bake cookies, but love to eat them, because I can play electric guitar, because I let my son do his science project by himself…”

Hear her read her hilarious tales of single motherhood on Thursday, May 20th at 8PM.  Fifth Avenue and Third Street in Park Slope. Free wine and fun.

One thought on “Marian Fontana to Read at Edgy Moms on May 20th”

  1. Love the idea of letting kids make projects BY THEMSELVES! I was shocked to realize recently when I saw a first grade puppet project on the wall that some were so pro that parents must have stayed up forever making them! I had a momentary panic thinking I should have helped my six-year-old make something other than the classic brown paper bag with popsicle stick puppet that he glued various strips of construction paper on and presented to me proudly. Then I remembered: oh, right, I won’t always be around to do his work for him, he’s going to have to learn to do things on his own!!! Gold stars to parents (“Edgy Moms” as well as Dads) who put their own pride aside to let their children gain confidence and independence!!

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