Allison Pennell To Read at Edgy Moms

Allison Pennell, a parenting journalist and writer for Effed in Park Slope will be one of the edgies at Edgy Mother’s Day at the Old Stone House on May 20th at 8PM.  She wrote this on FIPS the other day.

So, one of the side effects of my permanent banishment from Park Slope Parents is that I’ve been invited to join another club. I am now, God help me, an “edgy mom.” Yes, the Park Slope doyenne of edginess, Louise “OTBKB” Crawford (aka smart mom/crazy lady) sent me a personal invitation. And no, it wasn’t in the third person.

Whatever the fuck an edgy mom is, I’m not sure I want to be it. Past the first blush of earnest playful parenting? A free-range kid farmer? Apt to poke fun at this whole alternately grand and appalling experiment in raising future good citizens? Allergic to treacle-y sentimentality? Check. Check. Check. Check.

My new designation means, I suppose, that it’s no skin off my teeth that my seven-year-old daughter is now standing buck naked on our dining room table and playing “boy,” complete with pencil. Or that she asked me for a tattoo last week (and I don’t mean temporary). Or that she barfed all over her suitcase, two rugs, and her brother’s favorite Jordans midway through her plans to run away last night. Or that I would be even thinking of penning this post at 7:54 am while I still have a lunch to pack and dog to walk.