What Happens When A Blogger Sprains Her Ankle?

It slows her down a bit.

Sorry for the late start today. I sprained my ankle exactly a week ago and have been dealing with it ever since.

No break, no fracture. But still it’s an annoyance that must be dealt with. I was told to ice and elevate. My downstairs’s neighbor just suggested hot baths with Epsom salts. I’ve got a spiffy air cast and have to ask friends and family to do things for me.

Mostly, I am having a hard time not walking on it but that is, alas, what I must do.

One thought on “What Happens When A Blogger Sprains Her Ankle?”


    A sprain around the ankle

    Is bound to pain and rankle.

    You need a walking stick

    In such a mess, and quick.

    Climb on your husband’s back

    And give a gentle whack.

    He’ll carry you outdoor–

    Or what’s a husband for?

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