Bomb Found in Times Square

I just got an email from Public Advocate Bill de Blasio’s office about the Times Square bomb of which I knew nothing about until this morning.

Last night a crude car bomb made of propane, gasoline and fireworks was discovered in a smoking Nissan Pathfinder in Times Square, which prompted the evacuation of thousands. There was no explosion though the bomb had started to detonate. A t-shirt vendor noticed smoke coming from the car and notified the police.

Midtown from 43rd Street to 48th Street, and from Sixth to Eighth Avenues — was closed for much of the evening after the Pathfinder was discovered just off Broadway on 45th Street. Several theaters, stores and the New York Marriott Marquis Hotel were evacuated.

Here is Bill de Blasio’s statement:

“Last night we were reminded of the unique danger our City still faces and the skill and courage of our police force that keeps us safe.  I applaud Commissioner Kelly and the NYPD for acting swiftly to evacuate and protect Time Square.  I have full confidence in the ability of the NYPD and the FBI to swiftly investigate and apprehend whomever is responsible for this attempted attack.”

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