OTBKB Music: KaiserCartel Tonight, March Calendar and News and Notes

Tonight you can check out Red Hook’s own KaiserCartel playing their harmonic acoustic and folk-rock songs over at The Highline BallroomDetails here.  But for those of you who need to plan in advance, there’s a rundown of musical events for most of the month of March right here.

Also at News and Notes over at Now I’ve Heard Everything, a new project for The Baseball Project and a link to Park Slope’s Andy Bachman’s musical and rabbinical take on the Johnny Cash album just released.

–Eliot Wagner

100 Things She Loves About NY

I found this on a blog called All the Good Blog Names Were Taken. It’s a fun graphic and a fun list by a woman named Lauren B. who desribes herself tihs way:

“my name is lauren, and i’m a paperholic…i have more art supplies than any sensible person needs (but i’m NOT giving ’em back!)…i’ve been married to my lovely husband, jeff, for 20+ years…we have no kids or pets (no room, what with all the paper!)…my back has a mind of its own…i’m addicted to chapstick…i can be bribed with ice cream or a hot stone pedicure…the museum hasn’t been built that i would not enjoy…my favorite form of punctuation is the ellipsis…i like making stuff…wanna be friends?”

Click on it to read it.

Animal Minds, Animal Bodies at Adult Ed

Those wild and crazy folks that bring you the eccentric and always entertaining lecture series,  Adult Ed at Union Hall, have a great line up this week.

This month’ s theme is:  
”Animal Minds, Animal Bodies” 
and it happens on Tuesday, March 2, 2010 – 8 pm (doors at 7:30)
 Union Hall in Park Slope
702 Union St. @ 5th Ave
$5 cover.

Come see the following folks pontificate on their areas of expertise.

KATE KUNATH, “The Rabbit Stereotype and its American Exploitation” 
Kunath, a photographer who has studied rabbit breeders and their charges, discusses the history of rabbit breeding and its sometimes peculiar practices. Above is one of Kunath’s photos.

CARRIE McLAREN, “Why You Want a Monkey: On Primates Owning Primates”
 McLaren examines humans’ unconscious drive to have and to hold monkeys and apes.

ALEXANDRA HOROWITZ, “Bad Dog! Creating the Guilty Other in a Domestic Environment”
Anthropomorphic assumptions we make about dogs, deconstructed.

KRIOTA WILBERG, “The Amazing Fibroblast! Peter Parker’s Remarkable Transformation”
Drawing on examples from Hollywood’s Spiderman franchise, Wilberg explains how human wrist and hand anatomy would need to be altered in order to accommodate caches of radioactive spider silk.

Hosted, as always, by the inimitable Charles Star

Energizing NY’s Small Businesses

The Center for the Urban Future has just released a report called Energizing New York’s Small Businesses.

In it they reveal that only a fraction of the city’s small businesses have taken steps to become energy efficient, a missed opportunity given that commercial electricity costs in NYC are among the highest in the country and since even the smallest firms could save thousands of dollars by implementing efficiency measures.

This report offers  insight into the challenges facing small businesses on this front– and includes many recommendations going forward.

Here’s a PDF of the report

Tonight: Support Group for Parents of Teens

Do you have a child age 13-19?

Are you pulling out your hair trying to understand their behavior?

Are you dazed and confused about this crazy stage of your kid’s life and the impact its having on you.

Do you have constructive advice to share?

Or do you just need to vent?

Try the Parents of NY Teens Monthly Support Group at the Old Stone House in Park Slope this Monday, March 1 at 7PM.

That’s 3rd Street and Fifth Avenue in Washington Park.

Subscribe to CB6 Email Newsletter

–Become the know-it-all on your block when it comes to neighborhood matters.

–Memorize the dates of important local meetings.

–Be a mover and shaker as you learn how to fix local problems.

–Or just read an interesting — and informative — email newsletter about the nabe.

Subscribe to The Sixth Sense, the new email newsletter from Community Board 6, which covers Carroll Gardens/South Brooklyn, Cobble Hill, Columbia Street Waterfront, Gowanus, Park Slope and Red Hook.

Since January, District Manager Craig Hammerman has been sending out this fun, clearly written and informative monthly e-newsletter that contains  information about important meetings, well as other matters of importance. If you’d like to subscribe go to the CB6 website and click on “sign up for our email newsletter.”

Here’s an excerpt from this month’s Sixth Sense.

If March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb, this year is no exception. And we’re not talking about to the weather. This month is front-loaded with many heavy duty meetings where important public policies will be the subject of hotly contested discussion and debate.

On March 3rd, the Metropolitan Transit Authority is holding a Public Hearing on proposed changes in levels of service, student fares, and crossing charges beginning 6:00pm at the Brooklyn Museum’s Cantor Auditorium, 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn.

Continue reading Subscribe to CB6 Email Newsletter

Alternate Side of the Street Parking Returns

Alternate side parking rules will be back in effect on Monday despite the recent snow storm.

They were canceled Friday in most parts of Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens because of the snow storm.

Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty had this to say:

“Number one we were going to have warmer weather and two, there’s a potential for a storm coming in on Wednesday.”

Plows will cover 194 different routes starting at midnight Sunday night .