Undomesticated Brooklyn: Passover Table

by Paula Bernstein

When I was growing up and my extended family gathered for holidays, the kids would be seated at a separate “children’s table.” Presumably, there wasn’t enough room at the grown-up table — or maybe they just wanted us kids to be seen and not heard.

As you can imagine, it was a big deal when I finally “graduated” to the grown-up table.

Although that was many years ago and I now have two kids of my own, in a way, I feel as if I’m only now worthy of the grown-up table. Why? Because I can now cook.

Passover is coming up next week (although my family is having an “early bird”  seder on Saturday) and I’m excited. It’s the first year that I’m going to be cooking rather than just bringing wine or macaroons.

My cousin Claudia, who is in charge of delegating cooking responsibilities,  assigned  me the potato kugel. I should just be thankful I wasn’t given the job of making gefilte fish or matzoh ball soup.

The older generation is no longer able to cook, but my cousins and I still rely on their recipes. I plan to use my mom’s treasured potato kugel recipe.

(If you strain, you might be able to hear the melody to “Tradition!” from “Fiddler on the Roof.”)

I’m not too intimidated by the idea of making potato kugel, but when I think of preparing it for 28 people (the number who are expected at the seder), I am terrified. What if it turns out rock solid? What if I burn it? Will they send me back to the children’s table?

The good thing about kugel is that it can be prepared in advance. In fact, now that I think of it, I better start peeling potatoes right away.

One thought on “Undomesticated Brooklyn: Passover Table”

  1. Let’s hear this recipe! Good luck with your Passover preparations…I think I’m going to make something a bit more modern this year.

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