FIPS: “Truly We Could Not Be More Proud”

Erica at Fucked in Park Slope seems to be as happy as Baller can be because FIPS writer, Allison, was ousted from Park Slope Parents. This evening she posted the following:

(Allison) joins an elite group of BREEDERS who somehow managed to avoid becoming totallyfuckingannoying zombie parents by holding on to some modicum of their former fun/cool lives, and/or maintained the ability to express original, non-helicopter parental thoughts from time to time (BR-ALLER-n. a BREEDER who’s proven themselves to be cool enough that, despite their tendencies to procreate, can still maintain the basic principles of a BALLER attitude and lifestyle).

This whole thing has officially gotten to be very silly and it’s time to move on to other voices, other rooms.

5 thoughts on “FIPS: “Truly We Could Not Be More Proud””

  1. This whole enterprise reminds me – happily – how beneficial it was to decide not pay $25 for the blood pressure-raising experience of reading PSP and seeing just how badly people can behave when they can remain anonymous and not take responsibility for what and how they communicate. FIPS is such a mindless collection of posts that I am amazed anyone would even reference it….seriously, there is so much other, interesting stuff to think about. Why do people continue to bother with all this nonsense?


  2. I absolutely agree that FIPS is not edgy but certainly tries to be and probably thinks they are. However, Park Slope parents are crazy and we all know it. And PSP is nothing but a forum that justifies this craziness. And perhaps you are right that this is a fabricated controversy but if it is then PSP, in all of their stupidity, fell right into the trap.

    If PSP were at all concerned with fairness they should have shut the whole thread down instead of only preventing Allison from responding.

    And seriously, PS parents, stop whining about people hating you and start adjusting the behavior that makes us hate you.

  3. I think FIPS is upset because the NYT is beating them at the parent-bashing lately.

    And I think the posted email from PSP makes it very clear that she couldn’t *continue* the conversation without going through the journalistic process. She refused to take that initiative. Then she created a “tempest in a teapot” on FIPS to keep the drama going. Hasn’t the weather been nice enough to get everyone to the park or sitting at an outdoor cafe chatting face-to-face or taking a walk instead of showing symptoms of cabin fever?

  4. This seems like a fabricated controversy to me. She set out to get people riled up and she succeeded. She didn’t follow the rules of PSP and she was ousted. Now she’s calling it censorship? Give me a break. I’m tired of all the Park Slope parent bashing.

  5. See what I mean. FIPS thinks that their liberal use of four-letter words and all that ‘tude makes them edgy.

    It just make them crass. And really boring.

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