Subscribe to The Sixth Sense: CB6 Newsletter

Sign up here for The Sixth Sense, the informative CB6 newsletter, that is the brainchild of CB6 District Manager, Craig Hammerman. Here’s an excerpt from this month’s issue:

One of the unique mandates of the community board is to disseminate information to the community about government policies, programs and projects that may affect daily life in the district. No other City agency or elected official is tasked with this role. You can imagine how challenging a job that is having access to very limited resources. Our newsletter is one way of introducing, involving and inviting you in the ongoing work of the board.  An engaged community ensures that the community board continues to be truly representative; the more people who get involved – make a phone call, report a service complaint, write a letter or email, circulate a petition, attend a meeting, organize a group or join the community board – the more attention we receive. Certainly, there is no shortage of activism in our communities!

Now is the time of year to apply for community board membership.  Community boards are not self-appointing bodies. Our 50 Board Members are appointed by the Borough President, half of them at the recommen-dation of a local City Council Member. They serve voluntary 2-year staggered terms. Becoming a member is a serious responsibility that requires a commitment of time and interest. If you’ve ever thought about getting involved in the community you can start today! Then consider escalating your level of commitment as your interest piques and personal circumstance will allow. When you’re ready to apply you can call the Borough President’s Office at (718) 802-3700, visit their website, or contact your local Council Member. Deadline for 2010 applications is February 22.