Did You Pick Up A Jodi Piccoult Book Off the Street?

Sure, you had every right to take it. It was probably in a box or bag with a bunch of other books someone wanted to get rid of. But look at the anguish it is causing this woman, whose husband put this one out without her knowledge. Hell hath no fury like a woman who’s book has been thrown out. Here is her plea, which I found on Park Slope Parents:

I know this is a long shot… but I have to ask. My incredibly stupid husband put a box of books out in front of our apartment building for anyone to take. Of course it never occurred to him to ask me to look through the books before he thoughtlessly gave them away.  When I realized what he had done an hour later, I panicked and unfortunately learned he included a Jodi Piccoult book “Handle with Care” that was signed by the author. It was a very special gift from my cousin who waited hours on line to get the signed copy as Jodi Piccoult is one of my favorite authors. Of course you can see my anger in this posting because the book was taken; as I expected.

Since this was a very special and thoughtful gift from someone I”m very close with; I am sending out a plea in hopes that someone on this list picked up the book.  If I”m lucky enough to have found the person who picked up the book. I would be so incredibly grateful to you; as would my husband who isn’t exactly sure how to respond to my hurt and fury.

To insure the privacy of this individual, email me and I will get in touch with her.  louise_crawford(at)yahoo(dot)com.

2 thoughts on “Did You Pick Up A Jodi Piccoult Book Off the Street?”

  1. “My incredibly stupid husband. . . ”

    Divorce attorneys take note. This marriage is not going to make it . . .

  2. Dudes in Park Slope put up with way too much abuse. He’d probably been asking her for three months to look through the box of books.

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