Jan 29: Organizing Documents for an IEP Meeting

If a child has a learning disability or “special needs” he/she probably has an IEP (Individualized Education Program) at school.

In 2004, the passage of an updated version of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004) made parents of kids with special needs key members of their child’s “education team.” Parents now work with the school to develop a plan (or IEP) to insure their kid’s success at school

What is an IEP?

An IEP describes the goals the team sets for a child during the school year, as well as any special support that is needed. As part of this, parents must attend a yearly IEP meeting.  This workshop will help parents communicate calmly and effectively with everyone who has a say in their child’s education.

“On the Same Page: Organizing Documents for an IEP Meeting” is a special workshop this Friday, January 29th from 10 AM until noon for parents.

Presented in collaboration with BCID’s Brooklyn Parent Center, the workshop takes place at District 75 at P77 K 62 Park Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217 (between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue).

Brooklyn Special Needs Consulting is led by professionals with learning disabilities who work for change within the special education system. As adults who have learned to cope with their own disabilities, and with Special Needs children of their own, the BSNC staff knows from personal experience the challenges facing families coping with complicated diagnoses and how parents and service providers can work together toward the common goal of helping the Special Needs child. Their passion is helping both parents and children make their voices heard.

One thought on “Jan 29: Organizing Documents for an IEP Meeting”

  1. Hi,

    This is Carol Greenburg, an autistic adult, mother of an autistic child and the executive director of Brooklyn Special Needs Consulting. Thanks so much to the staff of Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn for about the letting Brooklynites know about the free”On the Same Page” workshop we held in collaboration with BCID’s Brooklyn Parent Center yesterday. The workshop got an enthusiastic response from everyone who attended, and I just wanted to send a shout out of my own to parents of children with disabilities anywhere in Brooklyn and community-based organizations. There will be PLENTY more FREE workshops all over Brooklyn, on all matters special ed, plus lots of FREE services available from the Brooklyn Parent Center. (Check them out at bcid.org)

    For more about my work, please visit our company website http://www.bklynsnc.com, our company Facebook Page, Brooklyn Special Needs Consulting or come follow me on Twitter under the username “Aspieadvocate.”


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