Brooklyn Reading Works presents Tin House at the Old Stone House curated by Tin House editor-in-chief Rob Spillman.
Tin House is an American literary magazine and book publisher based in Portland, Oregon and New York City that has a reputation for presenting “what’s still righteous and nervy in American writing.”
For this special Brooklyn Reading Works event, Spillman brings together a stellar group of Tin House authors, including Brenda Shaughnessy, Matthea Harvey and Elissa Schappell. They will be reading their own work plus one poem each by Heather Hartley, the Paris editor of Tin House.
Thursday, January 21, at 8 PM.
The Old Stone House. Third Street and Fifth Avenue. Suggested donation of $5 includes refreshments. Tin House magazines and books will be offered for sale.
And here’s BRW’s winter/spring schedule. All events at 8 PM at the Old Stone House in Park Slope:
January: 21: TIN HOUSE AT THE OLD STONE HOUSE curated by Rob Spillman
February 11: MEMOIRATHON curated by Branka Ruzak. We are accepting submissions for memoir pieces about life during the recession of 2009/2010 (send to louise_crawford(at)yahoo(dot)com ASAP).
March 18: BLARNEYPALOOZA curated by Michele Madigan Somerville
April 15: TRUTH AND MONEY curated by John Guidry
May 20: 4TH ANNUAL EDGY MOTHER’S DAY curated by Sophia Romero, Michele Madigan Somerville & Louise Crawford (note new date for this event).
June 10: FICTION IN A BLENDER curated by Martha Southgate