Jan 25: Report from Afghanistan in Fort Greene

Fort Greene Peace and Brooklyn for Peace present: Afghanistan: A First Hand Report with David Wildman.

Wildman is the Executive Secretary of Human Rights & Racial Justice 
with the United Methodist Church General Board of Global Ministries. Wildman also the co-author of Ending the Us War in Afghanistan: A Primer. At this event, Wildman will discuss:

–What is life in like in Afghanistan with the war going on?

–How is the war impacting of the lives of the people of Afghan people?

–How is Obama’s surge strategy being received in Afghanistan ?

Wildman has just returned from Afghanistan and will report his trip and try to answer these and other questions. On Monday, January 25 ,  7-9 pm at The South Oxford Space. 138 So. Oxford Street (just off of Fulton Street). Admission is free though contributions are requested.