Brooklyn Green Team Challenge: Stop Eating Meat

The Green Team is challenging Brooklynites (New
Yorkers, Americans) to cut back on their intake of red meet. In their own words:

Move over red meat: we’re taking a break. (We at the Green Team take
great pride in our puns). This is not to say that we don’t love your
delicious taste or how you flavor a broth. You're the potato's other
half. But you are racking up some real carbon emissions. According to Treehugger, you, red meat, are the most resource-intensive food on the table and eating less of it can be the single most green move a person makes.

not saying there are not good farmers who raise you right, because
there are. We’re just trying to prove that we, Brooklynites (New
Yorkers, Americans)
can cut back on our intake while we reassess our participation in the
process of cow to table. We are excluding other types of meat from this
Challenge: Chicken, fish, pork, turkey, and venison all remain fair
game (again with the puns). Won't you join us?"

For more information about the Brooklyn Green Team and this challengee; BROOKLYN GREEN TEAM

–Visit their blog.

Find them on facebook.

Visit their friends at GreenEdge Collaborative NYC.