Fabulous Holiday Cards in Stock at Paper XOXO And Journalistic Ethics

Paperlove1 I walk by the shop every day and often go in and I noticed that PaperXOXO has a FABULOUS selection of holiday cards.

The shop will be open late tonight during the Snowflake Celebration! Check out their cards at the shop on 178A Lincoln Place (just east of Seventh Avenue) while the supply lasts.

Alison, the owner, is also making custom holiday cards. FYI: she recently changed the name of the store from
Paper Love to PaperXOXO.

PLEASE NOTE: It just came to my attention that b/c Alison is an advertiser I shouldn't be writing about her b/c theoretically she is paying me for that ad. And now there's an FTC ruling about that very thing.

Full disclosure: That ad for Paper Love is an unpaid for courtesy ad because I sincerely like  PaperXOXO and wanted to bring attention to her tiny shop on Lincoln Place just off Seventh Avenue. She doesn't have the foot traffic of a Seventh Avenue store and I wanted to make readers aware of it.

I am VERY CAREFUL NEVER to  mix editorial and advertising content. I am NEVER paid to report on a store or restaurant or to kvell about it. I am never given free meals or free merchandise from stores/restaurants  that I write about. My opinions are sincerely my own and I would NEVER allow myself to be bought.

That said, I want and need to be paid for advertising. So if you're interested please advertise with me. Especially when I roll out my makeover and there will be horizontal and vertical BANNERS (soon, I promise soon. Right, Hugh?)

2 thoughts on “Fabulous Holiday Cards in Stock at Paper XOXO And Journalistic Ethics”

  1. Beautiful Store, I love to give Christmas Holiday Cards with all my gift giving for the Holiday Season.
    I am including a Personalized Christmas Gift Ornament this year with all my gifts. This way my friends and relative can have a personalized decoration to place on their Christmas tree this year. You can even get one delivered to Brooklyn. I purchase my ornaments at: http://www.inspiredbrush.com

  2. Cute post! Nice ot know it’s a courtesy ad. I like them but, I will say it, they are spendy. But worth it.

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