Dec 3 at 7 PM: Belfast Photographer at Rocky Sullivan’s in Red Hook

On Thursday, December 3rd at 7 PM, the  O'Donovan Rossa Society, Brooklyn, New York presents a lecture and slide presentation by renowned Irish
Frankie Quinn, who will present his most recent work
Peaceline Panoramas, a series of photographs taken over the last five
years, which 
document life along the 48 walls and barriers, known as 'Peacelines', that 
divide the city of Belfast in the north of Ireland.

The walls, many of
which were constructed at the height of the recent conflict by the
British Government, were initially conceived of as a temporary measure
to separate communities divided along political and religious lines and
to control mobility within the 
insurgent nationalist community. Far from being a temporary measure,
the walls have increased in number and in height over the years,
forming a network of 
enclaves, ghettos and deeply divided communities across the city.
Quinn's presentation is timely, given the recent commemoration of the
anniversary of fall of the Berlin Wall, and his photos testify that
despite the developments of the recent peace process, the continued
presence of these 
fault-lines ensure that Belfast remains a divided and segregated city.

Lower Falls - Lower Shankill. West Belfast 08

Frankie Quinn has been a photographer for the past 25 years. His
interest in 
documentary photography developed as a result of his involvement with
MacAirt Camera Club in East Belfast. Since 1983 his work has been
exhibited extensively both at home and abroad. His work has also
appeared in numerous local publications including Falls in Focus
published by the Falls Community 
Center (1987) and Shoot Belfast (1986), a guide for amateur
photographers, funded by the Northern Ireland Arts Council. His work
has also appeared in the 
book Garvaghy Road: A Community Under Siege (1999). He was a founding
member of the Belfast Exposed Community Photography Resource Center.

2008 he opened The 
Red Barn Gallery in Belfast, a non-for-profit photographic gallery
dedicated to the advancement and provision of the photographic arts for
public benefit. He lives and works in Belfast. Red barn Gallery

Slide Presentation and Talk by Renowned Belfast Photographer Frankie Quinn
Thursday, December 3, 7:00 PM Free Admission
Rocky Sullivan's Pub
34 Van Dyke Street (at Dwight Street)
Red Hook, Brooklyn