Leon Freilich, Verse Responder: Humming in Prospect Park


Keep your eyes peeled
For a green field
With a sky of burnished blue
Rim of roses
That encloses
A magical place for you.

Nothing stressful, only yesful,
On a gently sloping hill.
Robins winging,
Finches singing,
Otherwise the world is still.

It's your very own oasis,
The most personal of spaces,
Dominating the list of bests,
Reserved just for you and your guests. 

Need to find this rare location?
Set forth without hesitation–
Make for your imagination.

Watch your woes yield
At the green field
With the sky of burnished blue.
Rim of roses
That encloses
The magical place for you.

One thought on “Leon Freilich, Verse Responder: Humming in Prospect Park”

  1. In case anyone asks, this is a walking song. Prospecting in the park for fitness pluses, I enjoy being accompanied by music.
    Most of my walking songs, though, are off-color. Especially in the fall.

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