Brooklyn Bishop Does Robocalls For Assemblyman Vito Lopez

Just noticed this interesting article in the NY Times about Bishop DiMarzio and Assemblyman Vito Lopez. Readers of OTBKB may remember that Bishop DiMarzio may have been involved in the decision to fire Principal James Flanagan at Saint Saviour Elementary School last spring.

And about the powerful Assemblyman Vito Lopez: Steve Levin, the candidate for City Council in the 33rd district (which includes parts of Park Slope, Cobble Hill, Brooklyn Heights, DUMBO, Navy Yard, Williamsburg and Greenpoint) is the former Chief of Staff for Lopez.

In an unusually overt step into politics by a religious leader, the
Roman Catholic bishop of Brooklyn is urging voters, via robocalls, to
support Vito J. Lopez, an assemblyman and the Brooklyn Democratic boss, whose hand-picked candidate is in a tough race for a City Council seat.

The bishop, Nicholas A.
DiMarzio, in a recorded phone call sent to every registered voter in
City Council District 34, praised Mr. Lopez’s legislative service to
the Catholic Church this summer. Mr. Lopez played a key role in defeating a bill that would have let adults file suit over childhood sexual abuse that may have occurred long ago.

Lopez, a longtime kingmaker in Bushwick and Williamsburg, Brooklyn, has
energetically championed the candidacy of Maritza Davila, who is
running against Councilwoman Diana Reyna in District 34.