Babeland Workshop Next Wed: Raising Sex Positive Kids

This special workshop is part of the free monthly Sexy Mom series at Babeland. i went last year and thought it was great and very thought provoking. I wrote about it in the Brooklyn Paper.

Sexy Moms: Raising Sex Positive Kids
Wednesday, October 28, 07:00PM, FREE!

at Babeland Brooklyn, 462 Bergen St Brooklyn

is one Sexy Moms meeting no parent should miss. Whether you're
expecting, a new parent, or raising teenagers, talking to your kids
about sex and sexuality is a crucial part of parenting. And October is
National Sex Education Month of Action, so there's never been a better
time to talk about educating your kids about sex.

this meeting, Sexuality Educator Amy Levine will talk to parents about
raising sexually healthy children and how to keep open lines of
communication about sex and sexuality. What's age-appropriate? What's a
teachable moment? How can you talk about sex without feeling
uncomfortable? Levine will answer these questions and more, at a
meeting that every parent should attend. For more information about
Levine, visit her website.

This meeting is co-sponsored by The New Space for Women's Health and Babeland. Free refreshments will be served.