Sharon Mesmer, Brooklyn Poet Laureate Contender, Reading at Poetry Punch

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Sharon Mesmer, author of "Annoying Diabetic Bitch" and "Holy Mother of Monkey Poo," is one of the poets reading on October 15th at 8 p.m. at Poetry Punch at The Old Stone House. Don't miss this great event,a fun, friendly and festive way to hear some great poetry. With punch.

According to the Brooklyn Paper, Mesmer is on the short list to be Brooklyn poet laureate.

Brooklynites are a demanding bunch — and they’re demanding a new poet laureate.

Last month’s death of the borough’s laureate, Ken Siegelman, has left the poetry world reeling, but after covering his death, and offering Borough President Markowitz a short list of candidates for
Verse Maker in Chief, The Brooklyn Paper received a stunning number of
e-mails — more, in fact, than we’ve ever received on a poetry-related

Park Slope poet Sharon Mesmer, a lively poet who’s not afraid to
write poems with titles like “Annoying Diabetic Bitch” and “Holy Mother
of Monkey Poo,” is leading with 44 percent of the ballots. In second
place is fellow Sloper, Lynn Chandhok, with 36 percent.

“Wait — does this mean I have to write a sonnet to Marty Markowitz?”
quipped Mesmer, author of three collections. “Oh well, a poet’s gotta
do what a poet’s gotta do. Problem is, the only thing that rhymes with
Markowitz is ‘have a schvitz.’” (Why is that a problem?)

Mesmer’s sense of humor was often cited by her supporters as
evidence that she belongs at the zenith of the borough’s long-clawed
poetry community.

Indeed, Maria Damon wrote us with her own poem about Mesmer:

Sharon Mesmer is the one

She’s the one who’s all the fun!

Sharon Mesmer, she’s your girl

She’ll make Brooklyn the center of the world!