Large Turnout at Singles “Meat Up” at The Bell House

FIPS, Brokelyn and Brooklyn Based sponsored the recent Meat Up, a singles event, at the Bell House and apparently it was a great success. Here's Erica at FIPS on the event. Yesterday I heard there were 400 people there.

 1. HOLY FUCKING CHRIST there are a lot of you single bros-n-bitches
out there! Rawk the fuck on witch your bad ass selves. We *almost* shut
the Bell House DOWN TO CHINATOWN with that crowd.

2. Who the fuck were the lame ass people in line who did NOT want a
glow-in-the-dark bracelet!? I was handing those mofos out to everyone,
and 98% of all y'all were lovin em. But a small faction of singles were
resisting the bracelets and I was just wondering: WHAT THE HOLY HELL IS

3. While I was not able to follow through on my promise that EVERYONE was gonna get laid, these two
were sucking face out front for like the entire 5 mins we were waiting
for our Arecibo car to arrive. And I heard a rumor that some dude got
fucked in the women's bathroom.  Also, there was an S&M threesome
in the Makout photo booth…jus sayin.

4. Speaking of getting action, I would have literally fucked a La Cense
burger if I could have. Goddammit those things were good! Hey La Cense
guys: can you just come park outside my apartment? Like e-v-e-r-y day?

5. Wet t-shirt contest: BEST. IDEA. EVER.

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