Call for Submissions: 9/11 Memorial Sing Project

Brooklyn Arts Council invites musicians and songwriters to submit an original song about September 11th, the event itself, its aftermath or its effects to the September 11th Memorial Sing Project. A selection of songs will be performed live on September 11th, 2009 at 5pm at a location in DUMBO to be announced in mid-August. All songs submitted will be archived on disc/tape in the Brooklyn Arts Council Folk Arts Archive.


Every year since 2005, BAC Folk Arts has presented an annual September 11th memorial project. Past projects include film screenings, symposia and photo exhibitions all demonstrating the way New York artists, and especially Brooklyn artists, respond to and memorialize September 11th.


The invitation to submit a song is open to musicians anywhere. The invitation is aimed at singer/songwriters, but other kinds of composers should certainly send material. Primary consideration for the performance on September 11th will be given to Brooklyn artists, then to others in the New York Metro area, and beyond. Approximately 30 songs will be chosen for live performance on September 11th, 2009. Deadline for submissions: August 20th, 2009


Visit for more information, including submission guidelines and the application form.