Issue Project Room Gets $1 Million From Marty For Reno

Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz has granted $1,133,000 to Issue Project Room's capital campaign to renovate 110 Livington Street. Here is their response:

We are humbled, honored, and inspired to have been selected as grant
recipients for capital support.  This award provides us with critical
funding towards the $1.725 million necessary to complete a first phase of construction designed
to:  bring the jewel box theater space to code;
install the necessary systems for soundproofing and performance; make renovations; and begin presenting as early as Fall 2010.

renovated, the new space at 110 will be home to more than 4,000
programs reaching more than 1,000,000 people across the next two
decades.  We are overjoyed at being so close to realizing this historic opportunity.