This Week: Coming to The Old Stone House Near You

Wine, Shakespeare and Photography at the Old Stone House…

–Friday June 12
Summer Winetasting Fundraiser

with Heather Johnston of So Good TV

Canapes by Stone Park Cafe

6-8 pm at OSH

$40 in advance
$50 at the door

Support Summer Film and Theatre in Washington Park/JJ Byrne Playground!  

–Saturday & Sunday, June 13 & 14

Much Ado About Nothing

A Family Oriented Comedy Set in the World of Baseball

Presented by Theater Smarts
4 pm
Outdoors in JJ Byrne Playground


–Through June 30
Essence and Accident:
Photographs by Hugh Crawford
Upstairs at OSH
Fridays, 4-7 pm and by appointment

–For more information, visit
or call at (718) 768-3195, or by email at

Old Stone House of Brooklyn
Washington Park/JJ Byrne Playground
3rd Street bet. 4th and 5th Avenues