Wine, Shakespeare and Photography at the Old Stone House…
–Friday June 12
Summer Winetasting Fundraiser
with Heather Johnston of So Good TV
Canapes by Stone Park Cafe
6-8 pm at OSH
$40 in advance
$50 at the door
Support Summer Film and Theatre in Washington Park/JJ Byrne Playground!
–Saturday & Sunday, June 13 & 14
Much Ado About Nothing
A Family Oriented Comedy Set in the World of Baseball
Presented by Theater Smarts
4 pm
Outdoors in JJ Byrne Playground
–Through June 30
Essence and Accident:
Photographs by Hugh Crawford
Upstairs at OSH
Fridays, 4-7 pm and by appointment
–For more information, visit
or call at (718) 768-3195, or by email at
Old Stone House of Brooklyn
Washington Park/JJ Byrne Playground
3rd Street bet. 4th and 5th Avenues