New Blog on the Block: All About Fifth

There's a new blog on the block. Get out the welcome wagon and bring over some deviled eggs or layer cake. It's a blog about Park Slope's Fifth Avenue and it's called, All About Fifth. Here is an excerpt from their Meet the Merchant series, which will also appear on OTBKB. The interview is by Rebeccah Welch. Have a read and wander over there and say hello. You'll be glad you did.

Here is the first in a regular series of interviews that will highlight
local leaders in the business and nonprofit sector along the Avenue.
This is an interview with Fonda Sara, owner of Zuzu's Petals.

Where are you from originally?

grew up by the ocean in Belle Harbor, New York. A year ago, I moved
back to my childhood home full time.I spent the first half of my life
running away from home and the second half finding my way back.

How long have you been on 5th Avenue and what made you chose the location?

Zuzu's Petals moved to 5th Avenue in November 2004 after a fire in the
restaurant next door burned us out of our home of 33 years on 7th
avenue. We chose this location because of the sunny outdoor space
behind the shop, the proximity to our customer base, and the new
residential development between 4th and 5th Avenues.

What, typically, is the most popular Mother's Day flower and has that changed over time?

down it's lilac and peonies for Mother's Day…both are in season and
tap into some universal nostalgia for the gardens of our childhood.

Some people say that there is an instinctive bond between human beings and nature. Do you agree?

There is no separation between human beings and nature. Some of us are
more attuned to the changing of the seasons and growing things, but all
of us are connected to nature.

Read the rest at All About Fifth