Someone from The Bell House got in touch to say that they wanted to give away tickets to OTBKB readers to a live show by The Whitest Kids U Know.
They sounded familiar but I thought it was a band.
Turns out its a sketch comedy group with a hit television show on IFC. We don't get cable so sue me.
Why am I doing this? I'm not really sure but I like the word "free."
never seen their act so I can't say whether they're funny or not. I
just figured maybe some OTBKB readers are into the show.
the uninitiated, TWKUK is made up of Trevor, Zach, Sam, Darren and
Timmy and they take on the culture's fascination with celebs,
infomercials, office culture and potty hurmor.
From the sounds of it they are debauched and depraved. Want free tickets? Don't bring the kid.
facts: The third season of the the show is currently on IFC on Tuesdays
at 10 pm. They are on the road for their first ever World Tour. They've
got a movie coming out called Miss March.
a link to venue website if you could please include as well, the show
is taking place @ The Bell House, Thursday, Feb. 26, 8:00 p.m. Tickets
– $15, 18+ (http://www.thebellhouseny.com/calendar.php)
There are also tickets for tonight's show.