Leon Freilich, Verse Responder: Top bank execs and their Daschle-type perks.

This from Leon Freilch, OTBKB's invaluable verse responder:

Is it likely Tom Daschl is unique?  Did no high-flying bank executive
follow his "careless" example and fail to pay taxes not only on
Daschl's limo-&-chauffeur perk but also on, as today's Times story "Goodbye, Goodies?" mentions,
country club dues, gym memberships, home security systems, parking and
private jet service?

There's a good chance that a pool of millions upon billions of unpaid
taxes awaits unearthing.  And with unemployed accountants aplenty,
hiring them as IRS  investigators could pay enormous civic dividends–while
exposing fatcat chiselers from coast to coast and boast to boast.

I'm mad as hell.  Who among us isn't?