Leon Freilich, Verse Responder


The major leagues of baseball do it,
Give guys a second chance,
So why not Wall Street and the pols
Who make Chicago dance?

Let’s see a trade of faded stars
That could bedazzle once more,
With Chicago and the Street exchanging
Players who’ve known the score.

Bernie Madoff, the magician
Adored by all his clients
Who begged him to accept their millions
And placed him among the giants.

And Gov. Rod Blagojevich,
A real maverick,
The master of going it alone
And making statecraft tick.

Bern for Rod and Rod for Bern,
A trade to rock the clocks–
A smile to brighten the grayish Loop
And a swagger to lift all stocks

About Brooklyn: Best Brunches, Pizza and Cheap Eats

To ring in the New Year, Kristin Goode of about.com Brooklyn brings us the best of Brooklyn:

Best Brunches in Brooklyn

There’s nothing better than a great-tasting weekend brunch, and Brooklyn restaurants dish out some of the best and most innovative breakfasts in New York City. Whether you’re looking for a delicious bargain or music with your meal, these top picks…read more

Best Pizza of 2008

Looking for the best pizza in New York City? The odds are that you’ll find it in Brooklyn, where family-owned pizzerias have been dishing out delicious pies for decades. Try one of these top picks, and you won’t be disappointed…read more

Top Ten Cheap Eats

A delicious meal doesn’t have to cost a fortune, especially if you live in Brooklyn. These wallet-friendly dishes will please even the pickiest foodie–without breaking the bank…read more

Things to Like About 2008

Like every year there are things to like and things not to like.
Especially as you get older, stuff happens. People get sick. Precious people die. There are personal and professional disappointments, as well as
terrible world events.

Life can be scary and sad.

And this year was one for the record books. One awful thing after another and then some.

Luckily there are always a few things to remember that make you feel
good about things, our community and the world we live in. Ever since I
started this blog, I make this list. If you’re interested, check out:  2004, 2005, and 2006 and 2007.

–All the time I had with my dad last year, including the day we visited the Chelsea galleries and had lunch at a Cuban/Chinese diner on 9th Avenue; our many trips to the Metropolitan Museum to visit the new Greek and Roman Galleries, and the Turner show; his 79th birthday on January 16th at Po in Cobble Hill; many lunches at the Pain Quotidian on Madison Avenue; sitting in his living room talking and listening to music…

–Wonderful family and friends!

–Running in Prospect Park!

Writers at the Beach in Rehoboth, Maryland!

–Montauk Basement Writers!

Brooklyn Reading Works including Edgy Moms, Poetry Punch, Feast, Baby Love and more!

Weight Watchers meetings with Melanie at the Montauk Club!

–Getting an agent!

–Finishing my book proposal!

The Brooklyn Blogfest at the Brooklyn Lyceum!

–The Jamie Livingston/Photo-of-the-Day frenzy in June!

–OSFO’s graduation from PS 321!

–My week on Block Island at the Sea Breeze!

–Ace in the Hole at Movies with a View /Brooklyn Bridge Park!

Institute for Collaborative Education!

–Thursday visits to 11th Street.

–New Voices Middle School!

–Election day.


–The Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving!

–Ice Skating with Ducky, Diaper Diva and OSFO!

–No Words Daily Pix!

–Thais at the Metropolitan Opera with Renee Fleming!

–Christmas in California!

–All of you: you know who you are!

–New Year’s Eve spent eating, drinking, reading Henry James, talking to family and playing Trivial Pursuit in California. A festive end to a pretty awful year.