Sunday at the Brooklyn Museum: From King’s Protests to Obama’s Election

Here’s a good option for Brooklynites
who can’t make it to DC but want to mark this historic presidential
inauguration in a meaningful way.

WNYC is presenting a free panel discussion
on Sunday at The Brooklyn Museum, which will feature an investigation of the
civil rights journey from King’s protests to Obama’s election. For more details go to

The timing was
uncanny. On August 28, 2008, Barack Obama accepted the Democratic Party’s
nomination for President on the 45th anniversary of Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr.’s landmark “I Have a Dream” speech. 
Now, the annual Martin Luther King holiday falls on the eve of Obama’s
historic inauguration as the first African American President of the United States.

To mark this momentous occasion, WNYC will present its third annual MLK
event, “A JOURNEY OF HOPE: From Protest
to Presidency,” an afternoon of conversation, music and poetry
celebrating the vision and legacy of Dr. King and its most powerful
manifestation five decades later.

WNYC’s Peabody Award-winning hosts Brian Lehrer (The Brian Lehrer Show) and Adaora Udoji (The
Takeaway with John Hockenberry and Adaora Udoji) will lead a
discussion with an esteemed roundtable of academics, journalists and public
policy advocates about the evolution of American political thought and tactics
from King to Obama.

The conversation will explore three
primary areas:


Are we post-racial? If so, where does the struggle
against racism fit within a “postracial” society?  Has racial
equality been supplanted by gay rights, religious tolerance (particularly
Islam), immigrant rights at the top of the new civil rights agenda? What
exactly happened with Proposition 8?

to Obama

How did MLK use protest, and why is it no longer as effective? How has
the role of the Black church changed within advocacy and protest movements?
What is the new call to service?

CHANGING OF THE GUARD? Origins and Heirs of the Civil Rights Movement

What is the new role for the old guard of Black
leadership now that a Black leader will occupy the highest office in the land?
What is owed to those who brought us to this moment, and are they getting their
due? What do young activists owe the older generation?



Music and Dance Celebration on MLK Day

Brooklyn Music School holds its annual Music and Dance Celebration of
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's birthday on Saturday, January 17 at 4pm.
The Journey Dancers pre-professional group, Rock and Youth Choral
Ensembles and other students will perform.
Admission:  $5 donation

Brooklyn Music School (BMS), chartered in 1912, is
located in Downtown Brooklyn, sharing a city block with BAM. Its mission is to
serve the community without regard to income, age, previous experience or
professional aspirations. Music instruction (instrumental, Voice, ensembles) is
offered to those ages 6 to Adult. BMS also offers Dance (ballet, pointe, jazz,
modern, tap) for boys and girls 3–19 years old.

For directions or more information, call 718-638-5660.

Blog for Job Searchers and Those Looking to Hire

An OTBKB reader just got in touch with me about her blog, Ellen Weber's Weblog. There are job listings on the site, as well as posts about all kinds of issues related to job and employee searches.

I enjoyed reading posts called:   How to negotiate your salary when you are worth more than what you make? How to get a job after a long maternity leave? and Quickly becoming the master of Linked In. Here's a bit about Ellen Weber and her weblog:

My name is Ellen Weber and I’ve been at Karen Tripi Associates for over 15 years.
We are executive recruiters that specialize in the interactive and
direct marketing space. When you hire us to work on a search for you,
you are getting years of expertise, extreme tenacity (I’ve completed
all the searches I’ve worked on) and direct contact with the person
that is running your search. We also work on a contingency basis with
some of our clients.

I’d like this blog to be a discussion about items related to
recruiting both from the employer and candidate perspective. I’ve
looked at hundreds of resumes, interviewed tons of people and have a
good idea of how candidates should portray themselves and how employers
can figure out if this person can do what they need them to do. Or more
importantly, can this person rise to become what they need them to be.

Brooklyn Paper: Marty Says Atlantic Yards Not “Economically Feasible”

From the Brooklyn Paper:

Borough President Markowitz, one of Bruce Ratner’s staunchest
allies, dropped a bombshell on Tuesday, saying that the $1-billion
basketball arena at the heart of Atlantic Yards is no longer
“economically feasible” and that Ratner and state officials need to
give the design “a second look” so that the structure can actually get

Markowitz’s bombshell statement was first issued on Tuesday to
the New York Times, which has a business partnership with Ratner and
has not been critical of the developer’s stalled 16-skyscraper arena,
office and residential complex. It was later released to other media

In the statement, Markowitz refers to a recent statement from Ratner
that the developer was looking for ways to cut costs in Frank Gehry’s
innovative design — a design that was once a main selling point of the
controversial project.

Recipe for Young Chefs: Chocolate Carob Bites

Check out the recipes on the blog Recipes for Young Chefs. Here's one for Chocolate Carob Bites. Garden Spider, the young blogger and chef, says they're tasty. His mom likes them, too.

Finally! A recipe that I made up myself!!! 
You Will Need:
Carob Chips
Peanut Butter
and Ground Walnuts (optional)
Small Frying Pan
Small Metal Bowl
Plate (Plastic is best)
Spatula (optional, use it if you only have a glass plate)
Good Freezer
A Spoon
Napkin (To wipe off your mouth after you've licked the bowl)
1. Put the Water in the Frying Pan and put it on the stove
2. Turn down the heater to low, and put the Small Metal Bowl with the Carob Chips in the Frying Pan
3. Drop in the Butter, and also plop in the Peanut Butter* **
4. Wait until completely melted then use the Spoon to plop it in small piles around the Plate
5. Put the plate in the Good Freezer
6. Lick the Small Metal Bowl
7. Wipe your mouth with the Napkin
8. Lounge around and watch T.V. for as long as you like, until you are bored to death and open the Good Freezer
9. Scrape off the chunks of Carob Chips, Peanut Butter* **, and Butter
10. Fail to serve your guests and pretend you ate them all up by accident
*If the mixture gets to muddy, put in Ground Walnuts instead of Butter
** You can also use Pecan Butter, Walnut Butter, Almond Butter, Cashew Butter, Nut Butter, or any kind of butter you wish

Inauguration Day: Where to Watch in Brooklyn

Barbes will be screening live coverage of the day’s celebrations in its small back room. There are other options as well. BAM will have a free screening and according to Brooklyn Based:

You can also catch coverage at Southpaw,
which is opening its doors slightly early, at 6pm, for The Inauguration
Celebration: The Goodbye WreckRoom Party for Bush. The Bell House
puts a borough-specific spin on its festivities as it hosts the
Brooklyn Inaugural Ball, which doubles as a fundraiser for PS 261.
Shops and restaurants in Fort Greene offer deals to mark the occasion,
starting on Friday. Go to the Bed Stuy Blog for the
full list.

And Tuesday night if you're not going to the PS 261 Inauguration Ball at The Bell House, celebrate at Barbes with the most festive band on earth (or in Brooklyn anyway):

Best Reason Tuesdays are the New Friday. Best of The Village Voice
Balkan Party. Every Tuesday. For ever! Fiery Gypsy brass, soulful
Balkan anthems, and hip-grinding American funk: Slavic Soul Party! is
just what it says. Brash and strong as slivovitz, these nine musicians
have forged a virtuosic new brass band music in the heart of New York
City; their half-decade bacchanal is a destination for locals as well
as brass and Balkan fans from around the globe. SSP!'s last three cds
(Teknochek Collision, Remixed, and Bigger) are all available from
Barbès Records. John Carlson & Ben Holmes (trumpet), Peter Hess
(sax/clarinet), Roland Barber and Tim Vaughn (trombone), Ron Caswell
(tuba), Peter Stan (accordion),

Mugging in JJ Byrne Park

This was on Park Slope Parents but was sent to me by an OTBKB reader.

Our sixth grader was mugged and beat up yesterday at 3:20 pm just
outside MS 51 in JJ Byrne Park. He was surrounded by 8 older boys
while his pockets were searched for valuables. Then he was held and
repeatedly punched in the face.

This morning a sixth-grade girl was assaulted on her way to school,
and apparently there have been several other attacks in recent weeks.

If you have children at MS 51 please contact the administration and
demand more security around the s. You can also
contact the 78th Precinct youth officer, P.O. Ciuffo at 718-636-6451.

Brooklyn Based: The Destruction of Coney Island

From Brooklyn Based:

The Coney Island we know and love is gone. Even as building slows
across the city, demolition moves forward unchecked. The rocket has
been a Coney Island constant since Astroland opened in 1962 and last
week it was removed from its iconic perch.

Luckily for us, photographer Ellery Samuels organized
a Brooklyn Adventure for the Long Island Photographers Meetup and
snapped these shots. Here’s what it looks like to dismantle Brooklyn’s
storied past.

Park Slope Book and School Suppy Drive for PS 41 in Brownsville on MLK Day

A member of a  newly formed Park Slope group — tentatively titled
Park Slope Bridge to Change — sent me info about a school book and school
supply drive on Martin Luther King Day, as part of the Obama
Transition's National Call to Service.

The group plans to actively man two
locations (the Coop and the Community Book Store on 7th Avenue) from
10 am until 4 pm on Monday January, 19th, with drop boxes at other locations.

The collected items will be donated to P.S.
41 in Brownsville, Brooklyn, a K-8 school that Congressman Yvette
Clarke's office recommended to us as being in need of assistance.

The event page for this group is on the Obama:

James Braly is Back: The Monthly Nut

James Braly has been mentioned on OTBKB numerous times because of his show, Life in a Marital Institution. Now he's back with a new show called The Monthly Nut. The following is a letter from James:Dea

As an American who believes deeply in the Founding Fathers' credo of enlightened self-interest, there's only one thing more important to me than my former classmate Barack Obama's upcoming inaugural address: my new monologue.

It's called
The Monthly Nut,
and if you've ever hated your job and loathed your life, yet loved your
lifestyle though you couldn't begin to afford it, this show is for you.

Directed by maestro Hal Brooks, the first workshop performance will be presented by The Deep End Productions on Saturday, February 28.  More at

Tonight (January 13) I will be performing a short section of The

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009, 7pm

Trattoria Dopo Teatro

125 West 44th Street (btw Bway & 6th Ave)

Performers/readers include:

James Braly (Off Broadway: Life in a Marital Institution, 2x Moth GrandSlam winner)

Andy Christie (The Liar Show Producer, Moth GrandSlam winner)

Cindy Kaplan (author of Leave the Building Quickly and Why I'm like This)

Joel Solomon (head writer MTV Works)


Please come at 7pm to place your orders; Readings start at 7:30pm

The next night, I'll be appearing in the “REAL TALES OF COLLEGE”
storytelling show.  All I can promise you about this event is that it
will feature the man who graduated from Columbia University in the
mid-1980s, who has two beautiful children of the same sex, aged 10 and
7 years old, who wrote a critically-acclaimed autobiographical story,
but who is not going to be the 44th president of the United States:

Wednesday, January 14th – 7:30 PM SHARP

Ochi's Lounge/Comix

353 14th St. between 8th and 9th Avenues

Hosted by Adam Wade and Jake Goldman

MLK Day at Old First: The Audacity of Peace

Pastor Daniel Meeter at Old First Reformed Church sent this about a Martin Luther King Day Celebration at the church:

Peace-finding and Peace-sharing For the Whole Family

Monday January 19th, 2009, 10:00 am – 4:30 pm
at the Old First Reformed Church (7th Avenue at Carrol Street)
at the Spoke the Hub Re:Creation Center (748 Union Street @ 6th Avenue)
Park Slope, Brooklyn

For Reservations, Directions & Information: 718.408-3234

Workshops, drama, dancing, meditation, yoga, and artwork for pre-schoolers through adults.
Hosted by Old First Reformed Church and Spoke the Hub.
Co-sponsored by Congregation Beth Elohim and The Interfaith Center of New York

At midday: “Four Traditions”: interfaith prayers for peace (and for our new president) led by
Imam Salilou Djabi, of the Imam Ali Mosque in Bedford-Stuyvesant,
Rev. T. K. Nakagaki, of the Buddhist Church of New York,
Rabbi Andy Bachman, of Congregation Beth Elohim, and
Pastor Daniel Meeter, of Old First Reformed Church

CardioDancing:  Strengthen Your Heart! (Teens & Adults)
Prana and Prayer (Teens & Adults)
Make Your Own Mandala (All Ages )
Jump On The Peace Train (Preschoolers)
Ahimsa Yoga
Chair Yoga

Peace Is An Inside Job:  An Introduction to Meditation & Mindfulness Practice
Jump On The Peace Train (ages 6 and up)
Make Your Own Mandala (All Ages )

Suggested Donation:
$ 10.00 Adults;  $5 Kids & Seniors  (per individual workshop or lunch)
$ 25.00 Adults; $10 Kids & Seniors (for whole day, including lunch)
$ 60.00 Family Rate (siblings and parents, for whole day, including lunch)

Please make advanced reservations by January 16th  if you will be joining us for lunch:
718.408-3234  or

Simon Dinnerstein: A Blog and an Upcoming Book

On Simon Dinnerstein's new blog, Counterpoint: A Blog on the Visual Arts, he writes about a car ride to the Palmer Museum of Art: to visit his painting, The Fulbright Triptych.

December 9, Virginia Bonito, an art historian and former curator of the
Seavest Collection, Marshall Price, curator at the National Academy
Museum of Art, and Jhumpa Lahiri, a wise and gifted writer, accompanied
me on the four and a half hour car ride to the Palmer Museum of Art at
Pennsylvania State University. These three, along with about twenty
other contributors including the composer George Crumb, the actors John
Turturro and Alvin Epstein, and the art historian, Colin Eisler, will
be taking part in a really exciting project. (Also participating in
this upcoming publication are Anthony Doerr, author of The Shell Collector and the psychoanalyst/novelist Phillipe Grimbert, whose book, Memory, was recently made into the haunting film, A Secret.)

the last few months, Milkweed Editions, an independent publisher
located in Minneapolis, has been putting together an anthology of
writing based on my painting, The Fulbright Triptych.  In
the book, this major, fourteen foot painting will be seen and written
about from a variety of points of view: through the lens of an art
historian, a novelist, a composer, a pianist, a critic, a psychologist,
etc. Some essays that were previously published, including works by Guy
Davenport, Rudolf Arnheim, John Russell, George Tooker, Tom Messer and
Albert Boime will also be a part of this publication.

BAM: Live Inauguration Broadcast

Free at BAM!

January 20, 2009, Barack Obama will become the 44th President of the
United States. BAM will broadcast this
momentous occasion and share the experience with the public at a free screening of the inauguration
ceremonies, broadcast live at BAM Rose Cinemas.

Free tickets
will be available beginning 11am on day of screening. Tickets are
limited, and will be distributed on a first come, first seated basis.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 11:30 am

Wednesday: Brooklyn For Peace Rally Against Bombing of Gaza

Brooklyn for Peace is calling a candlelight vigil and protest rally on Wednesday, January 14th, from 4:30 to 5:30  at Brooklyn Borough Hall (at Joralemon Street and Court) to oppose the bombing and invasion of Gaza.

We reject the launching of rockets by Hamas against civilians in Israel
But Israel's totally disproportionate response – a bombing campaign and
invasion of the Gaza Strip has resulted in hundreds of deaths and
thousands of injuries to innocent civilians and is a violation of
international law. It's also a counter-productive strategy making any
hope of reaching a peaceful settlement between Israel and Palestine
even more unlikely.
We believe, as Americans, we have a
special obligation to oppose this war. Three billion dollars a year in
U.S. military supplies to Israel is allowing this war against innocent
civilians to happen. With November's election, it's time for a drastic
change in U.S. policy – one that is more even-handed and promotes
negotiation not confrontation.
We understand that there are
differences of opinion on long-term solutions to the problems of the
Mideast. But if you are as upset as we are by this bombing campaign and
invasion, we hope you will join us at a

The Moon is Back!

After a bit of a hiatus, The New York Moon is back with itslatest edition:

–A multilayered map of the liquid disasters and water workings of Manhattan

–A foreign dispatch from the diseased reservoir of the Tsarist city of Voronezh in Russia

–A radical design proposal for easily manufactured fish (from Ikea)

–A trip down the Hudson with artists turned sailors + music from Dark Dark Dark

–A story from the inimitable Emily Nemens, with map-like paintings of the Gowanus Canal

a call for Wall Street to be rendered as Pompeii to warn future
generations of the "seminal lunacy" that leads our moneymen astray

City Section: You Talking About Blogs?

There was a story yesterday in the City section about neighborhood blogs. No mention of OTBKB. But so be it. They did mention Gerritsen Beach, Gowanus Lounge, and Brownstoner (of course):

The growing number of New York neighborhood blogs — there are nearly
200, many in Brownstone Brooklyn, but there are others in communities
like Inwood, Harlem and Astoria,
Queens — has amplified the city’s already boisterous discourse, raised
the ideological stakes in discussions of even the tiniest issues and
turned upside down the old chestnuts about urban isolation.

most important, the city’s muscular and energetic blogs have provoked
questions about how to police raucous New York-style debate without
sapping its energy.

The Baracklyn Cyclones?

 The promotional folks at the Brooklyn Cyclones are really wacky. Look what they've done now.

Brooklyn, NY, January 12, 2009 – For one night this summer, the
Brooklyn Cyclones will be transformed into the Baracklyn Cyclones,
honoring the 44th President of the United States with a night of
patriotic partying at the ballpark.  The landmark game will take place
on Tuesday, June 23rd – the "Inaugural Tuesday" of the 2009 New
York-Penn League season – and will feature, among other highlights:
.  Alternate red, white, and blue jerseys adorned with the team's new name
.  FREE Barack Obama bobbleheads to the first 2,500 fans in attendance, featuring the President in a Baracklyn Cyclones Jersey

The Economic Stimulus Package: From 10am on January 20th – Inauguration
Day – to midnight on January 23rd, ticket prices for the June 23rd game
will be "rolled back" to the Cyclones' inaugural 2001 season rates: $10
Field Box Seats, $8 Box Seats, $5 Bleacher Seats.  Beginning January
24th, tickets will be priced at regular 2009 rates ($15, $12, $8).

.  Universal Health Care: Free Band-Aids to the first 1,000 fans
.  Naming Rights: Anyone named Barack gets in for free

Joe the Plumber special: any plumber named Joe gets two free tickets –
one for himself, and one to "spread the wealth" with a friend.
.  Bi-Partisan Consolation Prize: anyone named McCain or Palin gets a free Bleacher Seat
.  A clear-cut Exit Strategy: fans will receive American Flags and discount coupons as they leave the ballpark

In addition, the Cyclones will hold four seats directly behind
home plate, Row A, Seats 1-4, for the new First Family, should they
decide to attend the festivities.
"Barack Obama has energized and captivated the entire country, and
we are proud to support our new president as America enters a new era
in its history," said Cyclones General Manager Steve Cohen.  "The
similarities between his name and our home borough opened up avenues
for the Cyclones to incorporate that support in interesting and
humorous ways."  Cohen further explained that "the President-elect's
message is one of change.  In an effort to pay homage to that idea,
we're changing our prices, our policies, and the name of our team – for
one day, at least."
Game-worn jerseys from the one-of-a-kind night will be auctioned
off throughout the game, with proceeds being donated to the Jackie
Robinson Foundation, which provides comprehensive scholarships and
support services to minority students enrolled at institutions of
higher education.
The team is also launching a new site,, with progress updates, photos, blog entries, and a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into creating the Baracklyn promotion.
Thanks to the Cyclones' Economic Stimulus Package, fans can
purchase tickets to the June 23rd game beginning on Inauguration Day,
January 20th, at 10am, by calling 718-507-TIXX or online at or
The Brooklyn Cyclones are a Short-Season Class A affiliate of
the New York Mets.  In its first eight seasons of play, the team has
led the New York-Penn League, and the entire Short-Season
classification, in attendance each year, drawing nearly 2.5 million
total fans to Coney Island's KeySpan Park.  The Cyclones have advanced
to the postseason five times, and won a league championship in 2001.

Rabbi Andy Bachman: The Debate Inside Israel on Gaza War

Today I posted about a Brooklyn for Peace rally against the war in Gaza, scheduled for  Wednesday late afternoon at Brooklyn Borough Hall. Intuitively, I am against this war for a variety of reasons. But I know the situation is complex and it causes me much pain and confusion. I went to Rabbi Andy Bachman's blog to see if he's been writing about the situation. I gather that he sees this as a just war. I was curious to read his point of view.

This weekend’s edition of Haaretz in
English has several articles worth looking at for those out there
dealing with Israel’s war in Gaza.

What you should be
impressed with, regardless of your feelings about Israel’s decision to
attack, is the incredible range of debate in the press.

Ari Shavit’s The Decisive Hour

Gideon Levy’s The Time of the Righteous

Dror Etkes Don’t Forget the West Bank

Sayed Kashua (a regular Arab Israeli contributor) Cast Lead 2

Besides the calls for a truce, there are the many practical considerations.

so many refuse to acknowledge–even to hard-core two-staters like yours
truly–is how abysmal the support actually is for peace.

instance, Hamas in Gaza has received its steady flow of rockets and
munitions through the infamous tunnels of Egypt, which has essentially
looked away while Israel attempts to defeat Hamas. In diplomatic
circles, Egypt agitates for a truce.

But who will police the border between Gaza and Egypt? Not Egypt.

Which is why leftist centrists like myself struggle with but ultimately accept the necessity of Israel doing what it’s doing.

Yes: end the occupation and create two states.

what happens when the West Bank has a chance to arm in the same way?
With rockets that could easily hit any part of Israel?

It’s not so easy.

And in our neighborhood, it’s often lonely.

The former Brooklyn Parents for Peace–now Brooklyn for Peace–is
calling for a rally that condemns Israel but says nothing about any
attacks FROM Gaza or Lebanon these last several years. Conveniently,
the answers are simple and one-sided.

But I take heavy heart in the realistic debate going on inside Israel, far away from our opinions here in Brooklyn.

There will be rally after rally on all sides in the coming days.


I’d love to hear realistic ideas once we agree on getting to two-states.

Close out with Tom Segev here and Doron Rosenblum here.

New Leadership at Kensington Blog

Last week I heard from the new folks over at

friend an I took over the Kensington blog in November from it's
previous caretaker.  For now we're basically focusing on the social aspect…trying
to get people to go out in the area, promote local businesses, and
organize events. We had a pretty successful gathering (~70 people) in
December at a local bar/restaurant.

I took a look and it looks newsy and interesting over there. Check it out.


Smart Changes for Get Fresh

I was worried about Get Fresh, the one-year old Park Slope market and online store
dedicated to creating prepared foods with fresh and local ingredients,
has reinvented itself over the holidays as a full-service restaurant
serving breakfast, lunch, weekend brunch, and as of January
16th—dinner, under the new name Get Fresh Table and Market.

I for one am glad to see they're trying something new. Now they're a cafe and restaurant.


Local, Sustainable, From the Farm to the Table

Get Fresh, the one-year old Park Slope market and online store
dedicated to creating prepared foods with fresh and local ingredients,
has reinvented itself over the holidays as a full-service restaurant
serving breakfast, lunch, weekend brunch, and as of January
16th—dinner, under the new name Get Fresh Table and Market.


Chef and co-owner Juventino Avila,
formerly Executive Chef of both Bonita's (part of the Marlow & Sons
and Diner family) and most recently the sous chef at Double Crown, has
brought his passion for sourcing local, sustainable and seasonal
ingredients to Get Fresh Table and Market where he will be preparing
rustic, simple dishes designed to showcase those ingredients–like an
herb salad with local squash, green apples and an apple-jalapeño
vinaigrette, braised lamb shank with a cauliflower-manchego cheese
gratin, and wilted winter greens with heirloom beans. Get Fresh Table
and Market will also serve daily specials, and for now is BYOB.


Avila and co-owner Caroll Lee are dedicated to sourcing ingredients and
products from sustainable sources, like humanely-raised meat from
Heritage Foods, and produce from the Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative
and the Hudson Valley’s Blooming Hill Organic Farm. As before, prepared
dishes will be available in the front of the house market area (also
stocked with organic local produce, pantry staples and artisanal foods)
as well as online.

Open daily for breakfast (available all day) and lunch (11am-5pm)
Weekend brunch (10am-3:30pm)
Dinner –beginning January 16–
Tuesday – Sunday, 5:00pm – 10:00pm
Dinner Entrees $16-$18
Appetizers $6-$7
Credit cards accepted
Wheelchair accessible
Get Fresh Table and Market
Phone: (718) 360-8469
370 Fifth Ave (between 5th and 6th St)
Brooklyn, NY 11215 <>

Smartmom: Can This Family Get Back in Synch?

Here's this week's Smartmom from the Brooklyn Paper:

Smartmom and family are still on California time. But they better
switch their circadian rhythms to Eastern Standard Time. Pronto.

On Sunday night, Smartmom was in a panic. In the weeks ahead, there
was just too much to do and she wasn’t sure she had the stamina for it

• Teen Spirit has a boatload of schoolwork to complete and a couple of college applications to get out the door.

• Hepcat has to finish a project he’s been working on for too long. And while he’s at it, he needs to see about getting paid.

• Smartmom still needs a job. Actually, she needs one now more than
ever (yeah, good luck with that — unless Obama creates a new WPA for

• OSFO has to get back to the rigorous and overscheduled life of a Park Slope middle-schooler.

Couldn’t they just go back to the farm and hang out with goats,
Flora and Miss America? That was so much more relaxing than this.

Smartmom was stressing about getting her kids up in the morning in
time to get them to school. They hadn’t gone to bed before midnight
since before Christmas. Smartmom and the OSFO enjoy watching “Desperate
Housewives” and “Brothers and Sisters” on Sunday nights. They’re
addicted to both, and you’ve got to be kidding if you think they were
going to miss a new episode.

So much for early to bed, early to rise.

But on Sunday, OSFO had to miss “Desperate Housewives” because she still had an itty bit of homework left to finish.

“Why didn’t you do it out in California?” Smartmom bellowed.

“I forgot,” OSFO lied.

Smartmom was fit to be tied. The television stayed off until OSFO finished her reading logs. Damn those reading logs.

“Couldn’t I just watch a little,” OSFO begged.

“Read my lips!” Smartmom snarled.

Besides, there’s always Hulu for catching up on the latest escapades
of Eva Longoria Parker, Felicity Huffman and Terri Hatcher.

Thank Buddha, OSFO was done in time to watch how baby Elizabeth’s
illness and her uncle’s sacrifice caused an emotional confrontation
between Kevin and Tommy that threatened their relationship on “Brothers
and Sisters.”

And Smartmom thought her life was complicated.

At 11 pm, OSFO was in bed and Teen Spirit was already asleep after a
long weekend of revelry with friends after “solitary confinement” in
California. He was out like a light.

Mission accomplished. The children were sleeping. Smartmom practically patted herself on the back. Not so fast.

At 11:05, OSFO crawled into the parental bed and had an emotional
meltdown. It was like the beginning of the school year all over again:
tears, fears and apprehensions about going back to middle school.

“I miss PS 321,” she told Smartmom tearfully.

Smartmom felt like it was “Groundhog Day.” Hadn’t they gotten over
this back in September? Finally Smartmom managed to calm OSFO down: she
rubbed her back until she fell asleep.

“Set the alarm for 5:30,” OSFO told her drowsily before she dozed
off. She wanted to shower, do a tiny bit more homework and get herself
ready for her first day back after vacation.

Smartmom slept fitfully. Visions of all the bills she had to pay,
the phone calls she had to make in search of a job, and all the family
business she had to attend to danced like sour lollipops and broken
candy canes inside her head.

At 4:45 am, she gave up trying to sleep and waited for the alarm to ring at 5:30.

“Turn the shower on,” OSFO ordered from her bedroom as soon as it rang.

It was a bit harder to get Teen Spirit up at 6 am. But he did,
eventually, shower, dress and make it out the door, while listening to
“Talking Heads 77” at top volume.

Uh oh. OSFO needed lunch and there was nothing in the fridge. That
meant a quick trip to the newsstand on Seventh Avenue where the owner
knows to make a bagel with cream cheese for OSFO and a coffee with one
sugar for Smartmom. (It would be too easy to keep a steady supply of
bagels at home.)

When she got back home, Smartmom could see that OSFO was still
nervous about her first day back. Even as she brushed her turquoise
hair, OSFO looked fairly blue. Smartmom tried to cheer her up, but what
could she say. Smartmom was feeling pretty glum herself on this, the
first day of real life in 2009.

“Try to have a good day,” Smartmom said as she waved at OSFO as she
left the apartment. But she was really talking to herself. Because that
was what she was going to try to do. All day.

Closing: Super Saver on 7th Avenue Near Union

And they're having a liquidation sale. Everything 50% off. I spoke to the owner. He was hoping to sell the store and came very close. But the buyers backed out after speaking to the landlord who were offering a 10-year lease on a rent that would eventually be $18,000 per month. I'm not sure what the rent is now. But that's a lot of money. 

The owner used to own five businesses. The Super Saver was the last one. He lives 90 minutes away in New Jersey. So he's ready to retire from the business. 

Everything in there is for sale. I got a whole bunch of stuff myself. Get over there fast before he sells out…